We present a simple derivation of vector supersymmetry transformations for topological field theories of Schwarz- and Witten-type. Our method is similar to the derivation of BRST-transformations from the so-called horizontality conditions or Russian formulae. We show that this procedure reproduces in a concise way the known vector supersymmetry transformations of various topological models and we use it to obtain some new transformations of this type for 4d topological YM-theories in different gauges.
In this letter we argue that instanton-dominated Greens functions in N=2 Super Yang-Mills theories can be equivalently computed either using the so-called constrained instanton method or making reference to the topological twisted version of the theo
ry. Defining an appropriate BRST operator (as a supersymmetry plus a gauge variation), we also show that the expansion coefficients of the Seiberg-Witten effective action for the low-energy degrees of freedom can be written as integrals of total derivatives over the moduli space of self-dual gauge connections.
We study the gauge-fixing and symmetries (BRST-invariance and vector supersymmetry) of various six-dimensional topological models involving Abelian or non-Abelian 2-form potentials.
We reconsider the algebraic BRS renormalization of Wittens topological Yang-Mills field theory by making use of a vector supersymmetry Ward identity which improves the finiteness properties of the model. The vector supersymmetric structure is a commo
n feature of several topological theories. The most general local counterterm is determined and is shown to be a trivial BRS-coboundary.
Topological field theories of Schwarz-type generally admit symmetries whose algebra does not close off-shell, e.g. the basic symmetries of BF models or vector supersymmetry of the gauge-fixed action for Chern-Simons theory (this symmetry being at the
origin of the perturbative finiteness of the theory). We present a detailed discussion of all these symmetries within the algebraic approach to the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism. Moreover, we discuss the general algebraic construction of topological models of both Schwarz- and Witten-type.
We extend the definition of the refined topological vertex C to an n-coloured refined topological vertex C_n that depends on n free bosons, and compute the 5D strip partition function made of N pairs of C_n vertices and conjugate C*_n vertices. Using
geometric engineering and the AGT correspondence, the 4D limit of this strip partition function is identified with a (normalized) matrix element of a (primary state) vertex operator that intertwines two (arbitrary descendant) states in a (generically non-rational) 2D conformal field theory with Z_n parafermion primary states.