We discuss the inclusive dilepton cross section for proton (quark)-nucleus collisions at high energies in the very forward rapidity region. Starting from the calculation in the quasi-classical approximation, we include low-x evolution effects in the nucleus and predict leading twist shadowing together with anomalous scaling behaviour.
The distributions of outgoing protons and charged hadrons in high energy proton-nucleus collisions are described rather well by a linear extrapolation from proton-proton collisions. This linear extrapolation is applied to precisely measured Drell-Yan
cross sections for 800 GeV protons incident on a variety of nuclear targets. The deviation from linear scaling in the atomic number A can be accounted for by energy degradation of the proton as it passes through the nucleus if account is taken of the time delay of particle production due to quantum coherence. We infer an average proper coherence time of 0.4 +/- 0.1 fm/c. Then we apply the linear extrapolation to measured J/psi production cross sections for 200 and 450 GeV/c protons incident on a variety of nuclear targets. Our analysis takes into account energy loss of the beam proton, the time delay of particle production due to quantum coherence, and absorption of the J/psi on nucleons. The best representation is obtained for a coherence time of 0.5 fm/c, which is consistent with Drell-Yan production, and an absorption cross section of 3.6 mb, which is consistent with the value deduced from photoproduction of the J/psi on nuclear targets. Finally, we compare to recent J/psi data from S+U and Pb+Pb collisions at the SPS. The former are reproduced reasonably well with no new parameters, but not the latter.
Prompt photons produced in a hard reaction are not accompanied with any final state interaction, either energy loss or absorption. Therefore, besides the Cronin enhancement at medium transverse momenta pT and small isotopic corrections at larger pT,
one should not expect any nuclear effects. However, data from PHENIX experiment exhibit a significant large-pT suppression in central d+Au and Au+Au collisions that cannot be accompanied by coherent phenomena. We demonstrate that such an unexpected result is subject to the energy sharing problem near the kinematic limit and is universally induced by multiple initial state interactions. We describe production of photons in the color dipole approach and find a good agreement with available data in p+p collisions. Besides explanation of large-pT nuclear suppression at RHIC we present for the first time predictions for expected nuclear effects also in the LHC energy range at different rapidities. We include and analyze also a contribution of gluon shadowing as a leading twist shadowing correction modifying nuclear effects at small and medium pT.
We study dielectron production in proton-proton collisions at top RHIC beam energy within an extended statistical hadronization model. The invariant mass spectrum of correlated dielectron pairs is evaluated in the low invariant mass region and calcul
ated results are compared with the PHENIX experiment. The model is found to be able to describe the data very well up to invariant masses of 1 GeV with few adjustable parameters.
Measured J/Psi production cross sections for 200 and 450 GeV/c protons incident on a variety of nuclear targets are analyzed within a Glauber framework which takes into account energy loss of the beam proton, the time delay of particle production due
to quantum coherence, and absorption of the J/Psi on nucleons. The best representation is obtained for a coherence time of 0.5 fm/c, previously determined by Drell-Yan production in proton-nucleus collisions, and an absorption cross section of 3.6 mb, which is consistent with the value deduced from photoproduction of the J/Psi on nuclear targets.
We provide a compilation of predictions of the QGSJET-II-04m model for the production of secondary species (photons, neutrinos, electrons, positrons, and antinucleons) that are covering a wide range of energies of the beam particles in proton-proton,
proton-nucleus, nucleus-proton, and nucleus-nucleus reactions. The current version of QGSJET-II-04m has an improved treatment of the production of secondary particles at low energies: the parameters of the hadronization procedure have been fine-tuned, based on a number of recent benchmark experimental data, notably, from the LHCf, LHCb, and NA61 experiments. Our results for the production spectra are made publicly accessible through the interpolation routines AAfrag which are described below. Besides, we comment on the impact of Feynman scaling violation and isospin symmetry effects on antinucleon production.