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Metastable states of a gas of dipolar bosons in a 2D optical lattice

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 نشر من قبل Chiara Menotti
 تاريخ النشر 2006
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the physics of dipolar bosons in a two dimensional optical lattice. It is known that due to the long-range character of dipole-dipole interaction, the ground state phase diagram of a gas of dipolar bosons in an optical lattice presents novel quantum phases, like checkerboard and supersolid phases. In this paper, we consider the properties of the system beyond its ground state, finding that it is characterised by a multitude of almost degenerate metastable states, often competing with the ground state. This makes dipolar bosons in a lattice similar to a disordered system and opens possibilities of using them for quantum memories.

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121 - C. Trefzger , C. Menotti , 2008
We study the physics of ultracold dipolar bosons in optical lattices. We show that dipole-dipole interactions lead to the appearance of many insulating metastable states. We study the stability and lifetime of these states using a generalization of t he instanton theory. We investigate also possibilities to prepare, control and manipulate these states using time dependent superlattice modifications and modulations. We show that the transfer from one metastable configuration to another necessarily occurs via superfluid states, but can be controlled fully on the quantum level. We show how the metastable states can be created in the presence of the harmonic trap. Our findings open the way toward applications of the metastable states as quantum memories.
154 - C. Trefzger , C. Menotti , 2009
The competition between tunneling and interactions in bosonic lattice models generates a whole variety of different quantum phases. While, in the presence of a single species interacting via on-site interaction, the phase diagram presents only superf luid or Mott insulating phases, for long-range interactions or multiple species, exotic phases such as supersolid (SS) or pair-superfluid (PSF) appear. In this work, we show for the first time that the co-existence of effective multiple species and long-range interactions leads to the formation of a novel pair-supersolid (PSS) phase, namely a supersolid of composites. We propose a possible implementation with dipolar bosons in a bilayer two-dimensional optical lattice.
Bosons in a periodic lattice with on-site disorder at low but non-zero temperature are considered within a mean-field theory. The criteria used for the definition of the superfluid, Mott insulator and Bose glass are analysed. Since the compressibilit y does never vanish at non-zero temperature, it can not be used as a general criterium. We show that the phases are unambiguously distinguished by the superfluid density and the density of states of the low-energy exitations. The phase diagram of the system is calculated. It is shown that even a tiny temperature leads to a significant shift of the boundary between the Bose glass and superfluid.
Quasicrystals are long-range ordered but not periodic, representing an interesting middle ground between order and disorder. We experimentally and numerically study the ground state of non- and weakly-interacting bosons in an eightfold symmetric quas icrystalline optical lattice. We find extended states for weak lattices but observe a localisation transition at a lattice depth of $V_0=1.78(2),E_{mathrm{rec}}$ for the non-interacting system. We identify this transition by measuring the timescale required for adiabatic loading into the lattice, which diverges at the critical lattice depth for localisation. Gross-Pitaevskii simulations show that in interacting systems the transition is shifted to deeper lattices, as expected from superfluid order counteracting localisation. Our experimental results are consistent with such a mean-field shift. Quasiperiodic potentials, lacking conventional rare regions, provide the ideal testing ground to realise many-body localisation in 2D.
The ground-state phase properties of a two-dimensional Bose system with dipole-dipole interactions is studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo techniques. Limitations of mean-field theory in a two-dimensional geometry are discussed. A quantum phase tr ansition from gas to solid is found. Crystal is tested for existence of a supersolid in the vicinity of the phase transition. Existence of mesoscopic analogue of the off-diagonal long-range order is shown in the one-body density matrix in a finite-size crystal. Non-zero superfluid fraction is found in a finite-size crystal, the signal being dramatically increased in presence of vacancies.
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