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We use the kinetic theory of gases to compute the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy per particle for a dilute gas in equilibrium. For an equilibrium system, the KS entropy, h_KS is the sum of all of the positive Lyapunov exponents characterizing the chaotic behavior of the gas. We compute h_KS/N, where N is the number of particles in the gas. This quantity has a density expansion of the form h_KS/N = a u[-ln{tilde{n}} + b + O(tilde{n})], where u is the single-particle collision frequency and tilde{n} is the reduced number density of the gas. The theoretical values for the coefficients a and b are compared with the results of computer simulations, with excellent agreement for a, and less than satisfactory agreement for b. Possible reasons for this difference in b are discussed.
A central concept in the connection between physics and information theory is entropy, which represents the amount of information extracted from the system by the observer performing measurements in an experiment. Indeed, Jaynes principle of maximum
Many modern techniques employed in physics, such a computation of path integrals, rely on random walks on graphs that can be represented as Markov chains. Traditionally, estimates of running times of such sampling algorithms are computed using the nu
We compute the Lyapunov spectrum and the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for a moving particle placed in a dilute, random array of hard disk or hard sphere scatterers - i.e. the dilute Lorentz gas model. This is carried out in two ways: First we use simple
We consider a general method for computing the sum of positive Lyapunov exponents for moderately dense gases. This method is based upon hierarchy techniques used previously to derive the generalized Boltzmann equation for the time dependent spatial a
We study the decay law of the Sinai Well in $D$ dimensions and relate the behavior of the decay law to internal distributions that characterize the dynamics of the system. We show that the long time tail of the decay is algebraic ($1/t$), irrespective of the dimension $D$.