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Are Low Surface Brightness Discs Young?

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 نشر من قبل Raul Jimenez
 تاريخ النشر 1996
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We reconsider the problem of the age of the stellar discs of late-type Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies by making use of a new IMF recently derived from numerical fluid dynamical simulations (Padoan, Nordlund and Jones, 1997). While a Miller-Scalo IMF cannot adequately describe the photometric properties of LSBs, when we apply the new Padoan et al. (1997) IMF to a simple exponential disc model with parameters appropriate to LSBs, we get excellent fits of the colors and color gradients. We then conclude that: a) The star formation history of LSB disc galaxies can be described by an initial burst of a few times $10^7$ yr followed by a quiescent period with only sporadic star formation; b) LSBs discs are not young. The age of the LSB disc galaxies for which colors have been measured are all larger than about 10 Gyr$.

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380 - M. Mapelli 2008
Giant low surface brightness galaxies (GLSBs) have flat discs extending up to ~100 kpc. Their formation is a puzzle for cosmological simulations in the cold dark matter scenario. We suggest that GLSBs might be the final product of the evolution of co llisional ring galaxies. In fact, our simulations show that, approximately 0.5-1.5 Gyr after the collision which led to the formation of the ring galaxy, the ring keeps expanding and fades, while the disc becomes very large (~100 kpc) and flat. At this stage, our simulated galaxies match many properties of GLSBs (surface brightness profile, morphology, HI spectrum and rotation curve).
Dark matter (DM) is one of the biggest mystery in the Universe. In this review, after a brief discussion of the DM evidences and the main proposed candidates and scenarios for the DM phenomenon, we focus on recent results on rotating disc galaxies gi ving a special attention to the Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies. The main observational properties related to the baryonic matter in LSBs, investigated over the last decades, are briefly recalled. Next, the LSBs are analysed by means of the mass modelling of their rotation curves both individually and stacked. The latter analysis, via the Universal Rotation Curve (URC) method, results really powerful in giving a global/universal description of the disc galaxies properties. We show the presence in LSBs of scaling relations between the galactic structural properties and we compare them with those of galaxies of different morphologies. The findings confirm, for all disc systems, a strong entanglement between the luminous matter (LM) and the DM. Moreover, we report how in LSBs the tight relationship between their radial gravitational acceleration $g$ and their baryonic component $g_b$ results to also depend on the galactic radius at which the former have been measured. Finally, LSB galaxies strongly challenge the $Lambda$CDM scenario with the relative collisionless dark particle and, alongside with the non-detection of the latter, contribute to guide us towards a new scenario for the DM phenomenon.
The periphery of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) can unlock important information regarding galaxy formation and evolution in interacting systems. Here, we present a detailed study of the extended stellar structure of the SMC using deep colour-magni tude diagrams (CMDs), obtained as part of the Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History (SMASH). Special care was taken in the decontamination of our data from MW foreground stars, including from foreground globular clusters NGC 362 and 47 Tuc. We derived the SMC surface brightness using a ``conservative approach from which we calculated the general parameters of the SMC, finding a staggered surface brightness profile. We also traced the fainter outskirts by constructing a stellar density profile. This approach, based on stellar counts of the oldest main sequence turn-off (MSTO) stars, uncovered a tidally disrupted stellar feature that reaches as far out as 12 degrees from the SMC centre. We also serendipitously found a faint feature of unknown origin located at $sim 14$ degrees from the centre of the SMC and that we tentatively associated to a more distant structure. We compared our results to in-house simulations of a $1times10^{9} M_odot$ SMC, finding that its elliptical shape can be explained by its tidal disruption under the combined presence of the MW and the LMC. Finally, we found that the older stellar populations show a smooth profile while the younger component presents a jump in the density followed by a flat profile, confirming the heavily disturbed nature of the SMC.
McGaugh et al. (2016) have found, in a large sample of disc systems, a tight nonlinear relationship between the total radial accelerations $g$ and their components $g_b$ arisen from the distribution of the baryonic matter [McGaugh_2016]. Here, we inv estigate the existence of such relation in Dwarf Disc Spirals and Low Surface Brightness galaxies on the basis of [Karukes_2017] and [DiPaolo_2018]. We have accurate mass profiles for 36 Dwarf Disc Spirals and 72 LSB galaxies. These galaxies have accelerations that cover the McGaugh range but also reach out to one order of magnitude below the smallest accelerations present in McGaugh et al. (2016) and span different Hubble Types. We found, in our samples, that the $g$ vs $g_b$ relation has a very different profile and also other intrinsic novel properties, among those, the dependence on a second variable: the galactic radius, normalised to the optical radius $R_{opt}$, at which the two accelerations are measured. We show that the new far than trivial $g$ vs $(g_b, r/R_{opt})$ relationship is nothing else than a direct consequence of the complex, but coordinated mass distributions of the baryons and the dark matter (DM) in disc systems. Our analysis shows that the McGaugh et al. (2016) relation is a limiting case of a new universal relation that can be very well framed in the standard DM halo in the Newtonian Gravity paradigm.
The low surface brightness Universe holds clues to the first formation of galaxies. Specifically, the shape and morphology of local stellar haloes have encoded in them the early formation history of their parent galaxies. Early progenitor galaxies we re absorbed by the dark halo and scattered their stars in a diffuse halo around the main galaxy. If the accretion event was relatively recent, it may show as a coherent stream of stars within the halo. in addition, the low-mass, low-surface brightness satellite galaxies, perhaps the ultradiffuse galaxies recently reported would help solve the Missing Dwarf Problem, the apparent over-prediction of $Lambda$CDM models of the number of satellite galaxies around a Milky Way Halo. However low surface brightness is not what most telescopes are optimized for, most are best for resolving point sources and not sensitivity for large-scale low-light. To be sensitive to the low surface brightness Universe, a telescope needs a simple, unobstructed light path (disfavoring mirrors), fast optics (low f/D), and relatively coarse sampling (big pixels). Exceptions are the superb Dragonfly and Huntsman telescopes which are purposely designed to be sensitive to low surface brighnesses. Similarly designed, if not with low surface brightness in mind is the successfully launched TESS satellite. We show in this Research Note that the envisaged total exposure times and optical setup are near-ideal for low surface brightness work in the local Universe. With combined TESS imaging, one can model the stellar halo surrounding a galaxy. Technical challenges include the image quality, zodiacal and Galactic cirrus background light, PSF characterization and subtraction. Once accounted for with a processing pipeline, one can model the stellar halo for all nearby galaxies and to search for substructure in these haloes.
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