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Mapping Cluster Mass Distributions via Gravitational Lensing of Background Galaxies

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 نشر من قبل ul
 تاريخ النشر 1994
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a new method for measuring the projected mass distributions of galaxy clusters. The gravitational amplification is measured by comparing the joint distribution in redshift and magnitude of galaxies behind the cluster with that of field galaxies. We show that the total amplification is directly related to the surface mass density in the weak field limit, and so it is possible to map the mass distribution of the cluster. The method is shown to be limited by discreteness noise and galaxy clustering behind the lens. Galaxy clustering sets a lower limit to the error along the redshift direction, but a clustering independent lensing signature may be obtained from the magnitude distribution at fixed redshift. Statistical techniques are developed for estimating the surface mass density of the cluster. We extend these methods to account for any obscuration by cluster halo dust, which may be mapped independently of the dark matter. We apply the method to a series of numerical simulations and show the feasibility of the approach. We consider approximate redshift information, and show how the mass estimates are degraded.

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60 - J. E. Geach 2017
Identifying galaxy clusters through overdensities of galaxies in photometric surveys is the oldest and arguably the most economic and mass-sensitive detection method, compared to X-ray and Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect surveys that detect the hot intraclu ster medium. However, a perennial problem has been the mapping of optical richness measurements on to total cluster mass. Emitted at a conformal distance of 14 Gpc, the cosmic microwave background acts as a backlight to all intervening mass in the Universe, and therefore has been gravitationally lensed. Here we present a calibration of cluster optical richness at the 10 per cent level by measuring the average cosmic microwave background lensing convergence measured by Planck towards the positions of large numbers of optically-selected clusters, detecting the deflection of photons by haloes of total mass of the order 10**14 solar masses. Although mainly aimed at the study of larger-scale structures, the Planck lensing reconstruction can yield nearly unbiased results for stacked clusters on arcminute scales. The lensing convergence only depends on the redshift integral of the fractional overdensity of matter, so this approach offers a clean measure of cluster mass over most of cosmic history, largely independent of baryon physics.
Gravitational lensing by clusters of galaxies affects the cosmic X-ray background (XRB) by altering the observed density and flux distribution of background X-ray sources. At faint detection flux thresholds, the resolved X-ray sources appear brighter and diluted, while the unresolved component of the XRB appears dimmer and more anisotropic, due to lensing. The diffuse X-ray intensity in the outer halos of clusters might be lower than the sky-averaged XRB, after the subtraction of resolved sources. Detection of the lensing signal with a wide-field X-ray telescope could probe the mass distribution of a cluster out to its virialization boundary. In particular, we show that the lensing signature imprinted on the resolved component of the XRB by the cluster A1689, should be difficult but possible to detect out to 8 at the 2-4 sigma level, after 10^6 seconds of observation with the forthcoming AXAF satellite. The lensing signal is fairly insensitive to the lens redshift in the range 0.1<z<0.6. The amplitude of the lensing signal is however sensitive to the faint end slope of the number-flux relation for unresolved X-ray sources, and can thus help constrain models of the XRB. A search for X-ray arcs or arclets could identify the fraction of all faint sources which originate from extended emission of distant galaxies. The probability for a 3 sigma detection of an arclet which is stretched by a factor of about 3 after a 10^6 seconds observation of A1689 with AXAF, is roughly comparable to the fraction of all background X-ray sources that have an intrinsic size of order 1.
198 - Keiichi Umetsu 2010
Weak gravitational lensing of background galaxies is a unique, direct probe of the distribution of matter in clusters of galaxies. We review several important aspects of cluster weak gravitational lensing together with recent advances in weak lensing techniques for measuring cluster lensing profiles and constraining cluster structure parameters.
Luminosity profiles of galaxies acting as strong gravitational lenses can be tricky to study. Indeed, strong gravitational lensing images display several lensed components, both point-like and diffuse, around the lensing galaxy. Those objects limit t he study of the galaxy luminosity to its inner parts. Therefore, the usual fitting methods perform rather badly on such images. Previous studies of strong lenses luminosity profiles using software such as GALFIT or IMFITFITS and various PSF-determining methods have resulted in discrepant results. The present work aims at investigating the causes of those discrepancies, as well as at designing more robust techniques for studying the morphology of early-type lensing galaxies with the ability to subtract a lensed signal from their luminosity profiles. We design a new method to independently measure each shape parameter, namely, the position angle, ellipticity, and half-light radius of the galaxy. Our half-light radius measurement method is based on an innovative scheme for computing isophotes that is well suited to measuring the morphological properties of gravitational lensing galaxies. Its robustness regarding various specific aspects of gravitational lensing image processing is analysed and tested against GALFIT. It is applied to a sample of systems from the CASTLES database. Simulations show that when restricted to small, inner parts of the lensing galaxy, the technique presented here is more trustworthy than GALFIT. It gives more robust results than GALFIT, which shows instabilities regarding the fitting region, the value of the Sersic index, and the signal-to-noise ratio. It is therefore better suited than GALFIT for gravitational lensing galaxies. It is also able to study lensing galaxies that are not much larger than the PSF. New values for the half-light radius of the objects in our sample are presented and compared to previous works.
With increasing sensitivities of the current ground-based gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, the prospects of detecting a strongly lensed GW signal are going to be high in the coming years. When such a signal passes through an intervening lensing gal axy or galaxy cluster, the embedded stellar-mass microlenses lead to interference patterns in the signal that may leave observable signatures. In this work, we present an extensive study of these wave effects in the LIGO/Virgo frequency band ($10$-$10^4$ Hz) due to the presence of the microlens population in galaxy-scale lenses for the first time. We consider a wide range of strong lensing (macro) magnifications and the corresponding surface microlens densities found in lensing galaxies and use them to generate realisations of the amplification factor. The methodologies for simulating amplification curves for both types of images (minima and saddle points) are also discussed. We then study how microlensing is broadly affected by the parameters like macro-magnifications, stellar densities, the initial mass function (IMF), types of images, and microlens distribution around the source. In general, with increasing macro-magnification values, the effects of microlensing become increasingly significant regardless of other parameters. Mismatch analysis between the lensed and the unlensed GW waveforms from chirping binaries suggests that, while inferring the source parameters, microlensing can not be neglected for macro-magnification $gtrsim 15$. Furthermore, for extremely high macro-magnifications $gtrsim 100$, the mismatch can even exceed $5%$, which can result in both a missed detection and, consequently, a missed lensed signal.
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