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X-ray flares following short gamma-ray bursts from shock heating of binary stellar companions

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 نشر من قبل Andrew MacFadyen
 تاريخ النشر 2005
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The discovery of long-lasting (~100 s) X-ray flares following short gamma-ray bursts initially called into question whether they were truly classical short-hard bursts. Opinion over the last few years has coalesced around the view that the short-hard bursts arise from the merger of pairs of neutron stars, or a neutron star merging with a stellar-mass black hole. The natural timescales associated with these processes, however, essentially preclude an X-ray flare lasting ~100 s. Here we show that an interaction between the GRB outflow and a non-compact stellar companion at a distance of ~a light-minute provides a natural explanation for the flares. In the model, the burst is triggered by the collapse of a neutron star after accreting matter from the companion. This is reminiscent of type Ia supernovae, where there is a wide distribution of delay times between formation and explosion, leading to an association with both star-forming galaxies and old ellipticals.

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Swift-XRT observations of the X-ray emission from gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and during the GRB afterglow have led to many new results during the past two years. One of these exciting results is that approximately 1/3-1/2 of GRBs contain detectable X-ra y flares. The mean fluence of the X-ray flares is ~10 times less than that of the initial prompt emission, but in some cases the flare is as energetic as the prompt emission itself. The flares display fast rises and decays, and they sometimes occur at very late times relative to the prompt emission (sometimes as late as 10^5 s after T_0) with very high peak fluxes relative to the underlying afterglow decay that has clearly begun prior to some flares. The temporal and spectral properties of the flares are found to favor models in which flares arise due to the same GRB internal engine processes that spawned the prompt GRB emission. Therefore, both long and short GRB internal engine models must be capable of producing high fluences in the X-ray band at very late times.
We present predictions of centimeter and millimeter radio emission from reverse shocks in the early afterglows of gamma-ray bursts with the goal of determining their detectability with current and future radio facilities. Using a range of GRB propert ies, such as peak optical brightness and time, isotropic equivalent gamma-ray energy and redshift, we simulate radio light curves in a framework generalized for any circumburst medium structure and including a parametrization of the shell thickness regime that is more realistic than the simple assumption of thick- or thin-shell approximations. Building on earlier work by Mundell et al. (2007) and Melandri et al. (2010) in which the typical frequency of the reverse shock was suggested to lie at radio, rather than optical wavelengths at early times, we show that the brightest and most distinct reverse-shock radio signatures are detectable up to 0.1 -- 1 day after the burst, emphasizing the need for rapid radio follow-up. Detection is easier for bursts with later optical peaks, high isotropic energies, lower circumburst medium densities, and at observing frequencies that are less prone to synchrotron self-absorption effects - typically above a few GHz. Given recent detections of polarized prompt gamma-ray and optical reverse-shock emission, we suggest that detection of polarized radio/mm emission will unambiguously confirm the presence of low-frequency reverse shocks at early time.
The origin of the X-ray afterglows of gamma-ray bursts has regularly been debated. We fit both the fireball-shock and millisecond-magnetar models of gamma-ray bursts to the X-ray data of GRB 130603B and 140903A. We use Bayesian model selection to ans wer the question of which model best explains the data. This is dependent on the maximum allowed non-rotating neutron star mass $M_{textrm{TOV}}$, which depends solely on the unknown nuclear equation of state. We show that the data for GRB140903A favours the millisecond-magnetar model for all possible equations of state, while the data for GRB130603B favours the millisecond-magnetar model if $M_{textrm{TOV}} gtrsim 2.3 M_{odot}$. If $M_{textrm{TOV}} lesssim 2.3 M_{odot}$, the data for GRB130603B supports the fireball-shock model. We discuss implications of this result in regards to the nuclear equation of state and the prospect of gravitational-wave emission from newly-born millisecond magnetars.
We present the results of numerical simulations of the prompt emission of short-duration gamma-ray bursts. We consider emission from the relativistic jet, the mildly relativistic cocoon, and the non-relativistic shocked ambient material. We find that the cocoon material is confined between off-axis angles 15<theta<45 degrees and gives origin to X-ray transients with a duration of a few to ~10 seconds, delayed by a few seconds from the time of the merger. We also discuss the distance at which such transients can be detected, finding that it depends sensitively on the assumptions that are made about the radiation spectrum. Purely thermal cocoon transients are detectable only out to a few Mpc, Comptonized transients can instead be detected by the FERMI GBM out to several tens of Mpc.
335 - Edo Berger 2013
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) display a bimodal duration distribution, with a separation between the short- and long-duration bursts at about 2 sec. The progenitors of long GRBs have been identified as massive stars based on their association with Type Ic core-collapse supernovae, their exclusive location in star-forming galaxies, and their strong correlation with bright ultraviolet regions within their host galaxies. Short GRBs have long been suspected on theoretical grounds to arise from compact object binary mergers (NS-NS or NS-BH). The discovery of short GRB afterglows in 2005, provided the first insight into their energy scale and environments, established a cosmological origin, a mix of host galaxy types, and an absence of associated supernovae. In this review I summarize nearly a decade of short GRB afterglow and host galaxy observations, and use this information to shed light on the nature and properties of their progenitors, the energy scale and collimation of the relativistic outflow, and the properties of the circumburst environments. The preponderance of the evidence points to compact object binary progenitors, although some open questions remain. Based on this association, observations of short GRBs and their afterglows can shed light on the on- and off-axis electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources from the Advanced LIGO/Virgo experiments.
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