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Non-vanishing for group $L^p$-cohomology of solvable and semisimple Lie groups

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 نشر من قبل Bertrand Remy
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We obtain non-vanishing of group $L^p$-cohomology of Lie groups for $p$ large and when the degree is equal to the rank of the group. This applies both to semisimple and to some suitable solvable groups. In particular, it confirms that Gromovs question on vanishing below the rank is formulated optimally. To achieve this, some complementary vanishings are combined with the use of spectral sequences. To deduce the semisimple case from the solvable one, we also need comparison results between various theories for $L^p$-cohomology, allowing the use of quasi-isometry invariance.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We show that, in compact semisimple Lie groups and Lie algebras, any neighbourhood of the identity gets mapped, under the commutator map, to a neighbourhood of the identity.
117 - Jinpeng An , Zhengdong Wang 2005
In this paper we prove some properties of the nonabelian cohomology $H^1(A,G)$ of a group $A$ with coefficients in a connected Lie group $G$. When $A$ is finite, we show that for every $A$-submodule $K$ of $G$ which is a maximal compact subgroup of $ G$, the canonical map $H^1(A,K)to H^1(A,G)$ is bijective. In this case we also show that $H^1(A,G)$ is always finite. When $A=ZZ$ and $G$ is compact, we show that for every maximal torus $T$ of the identity component $G_0^ZZ$ of the group of invariants $G^ZZ$, $H^1(ZZ,T)to H^1(ZZ,G)$ is surjective if and only if the $ZZ$-action on $G$ is 1-semisimple, which is also equivalent to that all fibers of $H^1(ZZ,T)to H^1(ZZ,G)$ are finite. When $A=Zn$, we show that $H^1(Zn,T)to H^1(Zn,G)$ is always surjective, where $T$ is a maximal compact torus of the identity component $G_0^{Zn}$ of $G^{Zn}$. When $A$ is cyclic, we also interpret some properties of $H^1(A,G)$ in terms of twisted conjugate actions of $G$.
The topological classification of gerbes, as principal bundles with the structure group the projective unitary group of a complex Hilbert space, over a topological space $H$ is given by the third cohomology $text{H}^3(H, Bbb Z)$. When $H$ is a topolo gical group the integral cohomology is often related to a locally continuous (or in the case of a Lie group, locally smooth) third group cohomology of $H$. We shall study in more detail this relation in the case of a group extension $1to N to G to H to 1$ when the gerbe is defined by an abelian extension $1to A to hat N to N to 1$ of $N$. In particular, when $text{H}_s^1(N,A)$ vanishes we shall construct a transgression map $text{H}^2_s(N, A) to text{H}^3_s(H, A^N)$, where $A^N$ is the subgroup of $N$-invariants in $A$ and the subscript $s$ denotes the locally smooth cohomology. Examples of this relation appear in gauge theory which are discussed in the paper.
Divergence functions of a metric space estimate the length of a path connecting two points $A$, $B$ at distance $le n$ avoiding a large enough ball around a third point $C$. We characterize groups with non-linear divergence functions as groups having cut-points in their asymptotic cones. By Olshanskii-Osin-Sapir, that property is weaker than the property of having Morse (rank 1) quasi-geodesics. Using our characterization of Morse quasi-geodesics, we give a new proof of the theorem of Farb-Kaimanovich-Masur that states that mapping class groups cannot contain copies of irreducible lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher ranks. It also gives a generalization of the result of Birman-Lubotzky-McCarthy about solvable subgroups of mapping class groups not covered by the Tits alternative of Ivanov and McCarthy. We show that any group acting acylindrically on a simplicial tree or a locally compact hyperbolic graph always has many periodic Morse quasi-geodesics (i.e. Morse elements), so its divergence functions are never linear. We also show that the same result holds in many cases when the hyperbolic graph satisfies Bowditchs properties that are weaker than local compactness. This gives a new proof of Behrstocks result that every pseudo-Anosov element in a mapping class group is Morse. On the other hand, we conjecture that lattices in semi-simple Lie groups of higher rank always have linear divergence. We prove it in the case when the $mathbb{Q}$-rank is 1 and when the lattice is $SL_n(mathcal{O}_S)$ where $nge 3$, $S$ is a finite set of valuations of a number field $K$ including all infinite valuations, and $mathcal{O}_S$ is the corresponding ring of $S$-integers.
Given a Lie group $G$ with finitely many components and a compact Lie group A which acts on $G$ by automorphisms, we prove that there always exists an A-invariant maximal compact subgroup K of G, and that for every such K, the natural map $H^1(A,K)to H^1(A,G)$ is bijective. This generalizes a classical result of Serre [6] and a recent result in [1].
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