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Integrable Abel equation and asymptotics of symmetry solutions of Korteweg-de Vries equation

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 نشر من قبل Bulat Irekovich Suleimanov
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We provide a general solution for a first order ordinary differential equation with a rational right-hand side, which arises in constructing asymptotics for large time of simultaneous solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equation and the stationary part of its higher non-autonomous symmetry. This symmetry is determined by a linear combination of the first higher autonomous symmetry of the Korteweg-de Vries equation and of its classical Galileo symmetry. This general solution depends on an arbitrary parameter. By the implicit function theorem, locally it is determined by the first integral explicitly written in terms of hypergeometric functions. A particular case of the general solution defines self-similar solutions of the Whitham equations, found earlier by G.V. Potemin in 1988. In the well-known works by A.V. Gurevich and L.P. Pitaevsky in early 1970s, it was established that these solutions of the Whitham equations describe the origination in the leading term of non-damping oscillating waves in a wide range of problems with a small dispersion. The result of this article supports once again an empirical rule saying that under various passages to the limits, integrable equations can produce only integrable, in certain sense, equations. We propose a general conjecture: integrable ordinary differential equations similar to that considered in the present paper should also arise in describing the asymptotics at large times for other symmetry solutions to evolution equations admitting the application of the method of inverse scattering problem.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The $n$-fold Darboux transformation $T_{n}$ of the focusing real mo-di-fied Kor-te-weg-de Vries (mKdV) equation is expressed in terms of the determinant representation. Using this representation, the $n$-soliton solutions of the mKdV equation are als o expressed by determinants whose elements consist of the eigenvalues $lambda_{j}$ and the corresponding eigenfunctions of the associated Lax equation. The nonsingular $n$-positon solutions of the focusing mKdV equation are obtained in the special limit $lambda_{j}rightarrowlambda_{1}$, from the corresponding $n$-soliton solutions and by using the associated higher-order Taylor expansion. Furthermore, the decomposition method of the $n$-positon solution into $n$ single-soliton solutions, the trajectories, and the corresponding phase shifts of the multi-positons are also investigated.
In this paper, we consider the real modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation and construct a special kind of breather solution, which can be obtained by taking the limit $lambda_{j}$ $rightarrow$ $lambda_{1}$ of the Lax pair eigenvalues used in the $n$-fold Darboux transformation that generates the order-$n$ periodic solution from a constant seed solution. Further, this special kind of breather solution of order $n$ can be used to generate the order-$n$ rational solution by taking the limit $lambda_{1}$ $rightarrow$ $lambda_{0}$, where $lambda_{0}$ is a special eigenvalue associated to the eigenfunction $phi$ of the Lax pair of the mKdV equation. This eigenvalue $lambda_0$, for which $phi(lambda_0)=0$, corresponds to the limit of infinite period of the periodic solution. %This second limit of double eigenvalue degeneration might be realized approximately in optical fibers, in which an injected %initial ideal pulse is created by a comb system and a programmable optical filter according to the profile of the analytical %form of the b-positon at a certain spatial position $x_{0}$. Therefore, we suggest a new way to observe the higher-order %rational solutions in optical fibers, namely, to measure the wave patterns at the central region of the higher order b-positon %generated by ideal initial pulses when the eigenvalue $lambda_{1}$ is approaching $lambda_{0}$. Our analytical and numerical results show the effective mechanism of generation of higher-order rational solutions of the mKdV equation from the double eigenvalue degeneration process of multi-periodic solutions.
We apply the method of nonlinear steepest descent to compute the long-time asymptotics of the Korteweg-de Vries equation with steplike initial data leading to a rarefaction wave. In addition to the leading asymptotic we also compute the next term in the asymptotic expansion of the rarefaction wave, which was not known before.
140 - Iryna Egorova , Zoya Gladka , 2015
We show that the long-time behavior of solutions to the Korteweg-de Vries shock problem can be described as a slowly modulated one-gap solution in the dispersive shock region. The modulus of the elliptic function (i.e., the spectrum of the underlying Schrodinger operator) depends only on the size of the step of the initial data and on the direction, $frac{x}{t}=const.$, along which we determine the asymptotic behavior of the solution. In turn, the phase shift (i.e., the Dirichlet spectrum) in this elliptic function depends also on the scattering data, and is computed explicitly via the Jacobi inversion problem.
Based on integrable Hamiltonian systems related to the derivative Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries (SKdV) equation, a novel discrete Lax pair for the lattice SKdV (lSKdV) equation is given by two copies of a Darboux transformation which can be used to de rive an integrable symplectic correspondence. Resorting to the discrete version of Liouville-Arnold theorem, finite genus solutions to the lSKdV equation are calculated through Riemann surface method.
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