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Evolutionary dynamics of zero-determinant strategies in repeated multiplayer games

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 نشر من قبل Fang Chen
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث علم الأحياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Since Press and Dysons ingenious discovery of ZD (zero-determinant) strategy in the repeated Prisoners Dilemma game, several studies have confirmed the existence of ZD strategy in repeated multiplayer social dilemmas. However, few researches study the evolutionary performance of multiplayer ZD strategies, especially from a theoretical perspective. Here, we use a newly proposed state-clustering method to theoretically analyze the evolutionary dynamics of two representative ZD strategies: generous ZD strategies and extortionate ZD strategies. Apart from the competitions between the two strategies and some classical strategies, we consider two new settings for multiplayer ZD strategies: competitions in the whole ZD strategy space and competitions in the space of all memory-1 strategies. Besides, we investigate the influence of level of generosity and extortion on the evolutionary dynamics of generous and extortionate ZD, which was commonly ignored in previous studies. Theoretical results show players with limited generosity are at an advantageous place and extortioners extorting more severely hold their ground more readily. Our results may provide new insights into better understanding the evolutionary dynamics of ZD strategies in repeated multiplayer games.

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اقرأ أيضاً

279 - Fang Chen , Te Wu , Guocheng Wang 2021
Direct reciprocity is a well-known mechanism that could explain how cooperation emerges and prevails in an evolving population. Numerous prior researches have studied the emergence of cooperation in multiplayer games. However, most of them use numeri cal or experimental methods, not theoretical analysis. This lack of theoretical works on the evolution of cooperation is due to the high complexity of calculating payoffs. In this paper, we propose a new method, namely, the state-clustering method to calculate the long-term payoffs in repeated games. Using this method, in an $n$-player repeated game, the computing complexity is reduced from $O(2^n)$ to $O(n^2)$, which makes it possible to compute a large-scale repeated games payoff. We explore the evolution of cooperation in both infinitely and finitely repeated public goods games as an example to show the effectiveness of our method. In both cases, we find that when the synergy factor is sufficiently large, the increasing number of participants in a game is detrimental to the evolution of cooperation. Our work provides a theoretical approach to study the evolution of cooperation in repeated multiplayer games.
215 - Dong Hao , Zhihai Rong , Tao Zhou 2014
Repeated game theory has been one of the most prevailing tools for understanding the long-run relationships, which are footstones in building human society. Recent works have revealed a new set of zero-determinant (ZD) strategies, which is an importa nt advance in repeated games. A ZD strategy player can exert a unilaterally control on two players payoffs. In particular he can deterministically set the opponents payoff, or enforce an unfair linear relationship between the players payoffs, thereby always seizing an advantageous share of payoffs. One of the limitations of the original ZD strategy, however, is that it does not capture the notion of robustness when the game is subjected to stochastic errors. In this paper, we propose a general model of ZD strategies for noisy repeated games, and find that ZD strategies have high robustness against errors. We further derive the pinning strategy under noise, by which the ZD strategy player coercively set the opponents expected payoff to his desired level, although his payoff control ability declines with the increase of noise strength. Due to the uncertainty caused by noise, the ZD strategy player cannot secure his payoff to be higher than the opponents, which implies strong extortions do not exist even under low noise. While we show that the ZD strategy player can still establish a novel kind of extortions, named weak extortions, where any increase of his own payoff always exceeds that of the opponents by a fixed percentage, and the conditions under which the weak extortions can be realized are more stringent as the noise becomes stronger.
How cooperation can evolve between players is an unsolved problem of biology. Here we use Hamiltonian dynamics of models of the Ising type to describe populations of cooperating and defecting players to show that the equilibrium fraction of cooperato rs is given by the expectation value of a thermal observable akin to a magnetization. We apply the formalism to the Public Goods game with three players, and show that a phase transition between cooperation and defection occurs that is equivalent to a transition in one-dimensional Ising crystals with long-range interactions. We then investigate the effect of punishment on cooperation and find that punishment plays the role of a magnetic field that leads to an alignment between players, thus encouraging cooperation. We suggest that a thermal Hamiltonian picture of the evolution of cooperation can generate other insights about the dynamics of evolving groups by mining the rich literature of critical dynamics in low-dimensional spin systems.
In repeated interactions between individuals, we do not expect that exactly the same situation will occur from one time to another. Contrary to what is common in models of repeated games in the literature, most real situations may differ a lot and th ey are seldom completely symmetric. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a simple model of cognitive processing in the context of a repeated interaction with varying payoffs. The interaction between players is modelled by a repeated game with random observable payoffs. Cooperation is not simply associated with a certain action but needs to be understood as a phenomenon of the behaviour in the repeated game. The players are thus faced with a more complex situation, compared to the Prisoners Dilemma that has been widely used for investigating the conditions for cooperation in evolving populations. Still, there are robust cooperating strategies that usually evolve in a population of players. In the cooperative mode, these strategies select an action that allows for maximizing the sum of the payoff of the two players in each round, regardless of the own payoff. Two such players maximise the expected total long-term payoff. If the opponent deviates from this scheme, the strategy invokes a punishment action, which aims at lowering the opponents score for the rest of the (possibly infinitely) repeated game. The introduction of mistakes to the game actually pushes evolution towards more cooperative strategies even though the game becomes more difficult.
The Letter presents a novel way to connect random walks, stochastic differential equations, and evolutionary game theory. We introduce a new concept of potential function for discrete-space stochastic systems. It is based on a correspondence between one-dimensional stochastic differential equations and random walks, which may be exact not only in the continuous limit but also in finite-state spaces. Our method is useful for computation of fixation probabilities in discrete stochastic dynamical systems with two absorbing states. We apply it to evolutionary games, formulating two simple and intuitive criteria for evolutionary stability of pure Nash equilibria in finite populations. In particular, we show that the $1/3$ law of evolutionary games, introduced by Nowak et al [Nature, 2004], follows from a more general mean-potential law.
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