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Robust quantum transport at particle-hole symmetry

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 نشر من قبل Ipsita Mandal
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study quantum transport in disordered systems with particle-hole symmetric Hamiltonians. The particle-hole symmetry is spontaneously broken after averaging with respect to disorder, and the resulting massless mode is treated in a random-phase representation of the invariant measure of the symmetry-group. We compute the resulting fermionic functional integral of the average two-particle Greens function in a perturbation theory around the diffusive limit. The results up to two-loop order show that the corrections vanish, indicating that the diffusive quantum transport is robust. On the other hand, the diffusion coefficient depends strongly on the particle-hole symmetric Hamiltonian we choose to study. This reveals a connection between the underlying microscopic theory and the classical long-scale metallic behaviour of these systems.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In this work we probe the dynamics of the particle-hole symmetric many-body localized (MBL) phase. We provide numerical evidence that it can be characterized by an algebraic propagation of both entanglement and charge, unlike in the conventional MBL case. We explain the mechanism of this anomalous diffusion through a formation of bound states, which coherently propagate via long-range resonances. By projecting onto the two-particle sector of the particle-hole symmetric model, we show that the formation and observed subdiffusive dynamics is a consequence of an interplay between symmetry and interactions.
We study the role of particle-hole symmetry on the universality class of various quantum phase transitions corresponding to the onset of superfluidity at zero temperature of bosons in a quenched random medium. The functional integral formulation of t his problem in d spatial dimensions yields a (d+1)-dimensional classical XY-model with extended disorder--the so-called random rod problem. Particle-hole symmetry may then be broken by adding nonzero site energies. We may distinguish three cases: (i) exact particle-hole symmetry, in which the site energies all vanish, (ii) statistical particle-hole symmetry in which the site energy distribution is symmetric about zero, vanishing on average, and (iii) complete absence of particle-hole symmetry in which the distribution is generic. We explore in each case the nature of the excitations in the non-superfluid Mott insulating and Bose glass phases. We find that the Bose glass compressibility, which has the interpretation of a temporal spin stiffness or superfluid density, is positive in cases (ii) and (iii), but that it vanishes with an essential singularity as full particle-hole symmetry is restored. We then focus on the critical point and discuss the relevance of type (ii) particle-hole symmetry breaking perturbations to the random rod critical behavior. We argue that a perturbation of type (iii) is irrelevant to the resulting type (ii) critical behavior: the statistical symmetry is restored on large scales close to the critical point, and case (ii) therefore describes the dirty boson fixed point. To study higher dimensions we attempt, with partial success, to generalize the Dorogovtsev-Cardy-Boyanovsky double epsilon expansion technique to this problem. The qualitative renormalization group flow picture this technique provides is quite compelling.
Network models for equilibrium integer quantum Hall (IQH) transitions are described by unitary scattering matrices, that can also be viewed as representing non-equilibrium Floquet systems. The resulting Floquet bands have zero Chern number, and are i nstead characterized by a chiral Floquet (CF) winding number. This begs the question: How can a model without Chern number describe IQH systems? We resolve this apparent paradox by showing that non-zero Chern number is recovered from the network model via the energy dependence of network model scattering parameters. This relationship shows that, despite their topologically distinct origins, IQH and CF topology-changing transitions share identical universal scaling properties.
157 - I.L. Aleiner , B.L. Altshuler , 2011
We discuss quantum propagation of dipole excitations in two dimensions. This problem differs from the conventional Anderson localization due to existence of long range hops. We found that the critical wavefunctions of the dipoles always exist which m anifest themselves by a scale independent diffusion constant. If the system is T-invariant the states are critical for all values of the parameters. Otherwise, there can be a metal-insulator transition between this ordinary diffusion and the Levy-flights (the diffusion constant logarithmically increasing with the scale). These results follow from the two-loop analysis of the modified non-linear supermatrix $sigma$-model.
We study nonlinear response in quantum spin systems {near infinite-randomness critical points}. Nonlinear dynamical probes, such as two-dimensional (2D) coherent spectroscopy, can diagnose the nearly localized character of excitations in such systems . {We present exact results for nonlinear response in the 1D random transverse-field Ising model, from which we extract information about critical behavior that is absent in linear response. Our analysis yields exact scaling forms for the distribution functions of relaxation times that result from realistic channels for dissipation in random magnets}. We argue that our results capture the scaling of relaxation times and nonlinear response in generic random quantum magnets in any spatial dimension.
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