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Decoding of the Walking States and Step Rates from Cortical Electrocorticogram Signals

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 نشر من قبل Po T. Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث علم الأحياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have shown promising results in restoring motor function to individuals with spinal cord injury. These systems have traditionally focused on the restoration of upper extremity function; however, the lower extremities have received relatively little attention. Early feasibility studies used noninvasive electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCIs to restore walking function to people with paraplegia. However, the limited spatiotemporal resolution of EEG signals restricted the application of these BCIs to elementary gait tasks, such as the initiation and termination of walking. To restore more complex gait functions, BCIs must accurately decode additional degrees of freedom from brain signals. In this study, we used subdurally recorded electrocorticogram (ECoG) signals from able-bodied subjects to design a decoder capable of predicting the walking state and step rate information. We recorded ECoG signals from the motor cortices of two individuals as they walked on a treadmill at different speeds. Our offline analysis demonstrated that the state information could be decoded from >16 minutes of ECoG data with an unprecedented accuracy of 99.8%. Additionally, using a Bayesian filter approach, we achieved an average correlation coefficient between the decoded and true step rates of 0.934. When combined, these decoders may yield decoding accuracies sufficient to safely operate present-day walking prostheses.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Electrocorticogram (ECoG)-based brain computer interfaces (BCI) can potentially control upper extremity prostheses to restore independent function to paralyzed individuals. However, current research is mostly restricted to the offline decoding of fin ger or 2D arm movement trajectories, and these results are modest. This study seeks to improve the fundamental understanding of the ECoG signal features underlying upper extremity movements to guide better BCI design. Subjects undergoing ECoG electrode implantation performed a series of elementary upper extremity movements in an intermittent flexion and extension manner. It was found that movement velocity, $dottheta$, had a high positive (negative) correlation with the instantaneous power of the ECoG high-$gamma$ band (80-160 Hz) during flexion (extension). Also, the correlation was low during idling epochs. Visual inspection of the ECoG high-$gamma$ band revealed power bursts during flexion/extension events that have a waveform that strongly resembles the corresponding flexion/extension event as seen on $dottheta$. These high-$gamma$ bursts were present in all elementary movements, and were spatially distributed in a somatotopic fashion. Thus, it can be concluded that the high-$gamma$ power of ECoG strongly encodes for movement trajectories, and can be used as an input feature in future BCIs.
112 - Kenji Doya 2021
The duality of sensory inference and motor control has been known since the 1960s and has recently been recognized as the commonality in computations required for the posterior distributions in Bayesian inference and the value functions in optimal co ntrol. Meanwhile, an intriguing question about the brain is why the entire neocortex shares a canonical six-layer architecture while its posterior and anterior halves are engaged in sensory processing and motor control, respectively. Here we consider the hypothesis that the sensory and motor cortical circuits implement the dual computations for Bayesian inference and optimal control, or perceptual and value-based decision making, respectively. We first review the classic duality of inference and control in linear quadratic systems and then review the correspondence between dynamic Bayesian inference and optimal control. Based on the architecture of the canonical cortical circuit, we explore how different cortical neurons may represent variables and implement computations.
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202 - M. Stiber , F. Kawasaki , D. Xu 2008
A powerful experimental approach for investigating computation in networks of biological neurons is the use of cultured dissociated cortical cells grown into networks on a multi-electrode array. Such preparations allow investigation of network develo pment, activity, plasticity, responses to stimuli, and the effects of pharmacological agents. They also exhibit whole-culture pathological bursting; understanding the mechanisms that underlie this could allow creation of more useful cell cultures and possibly have medical applications.
Recently Segev et al. (Phys. Rev. E 64,2001, Phys.Rev.Let. 88, 2002) made long-term observations of spontaneous activity of in-vitro cortical networks, which differ from predictions of current models in many features. In this paper we generalize the EI cortical model introduced in a previous paper (S.Scarpetta et al. Neural Comput. 14, 2002), including intrinsic white noise and analyzing effects of noise on the spontaneous activity of the nonlinear system, in order to account for the experimental results of Segev et al.. Analytically we can distinguish different regimes of activity, depending from the model parameters. Using analytical results as a guide line, we perform simulations of the nonlinear stochastic model in two different regimes, B and C. The Power Spectrum Density (PSD) of the activity and the Inter-Event-Interval (IEI) distributions are computed, and compared with experimental results. In regime B the network shows stochastic resonance phenomena and noise induces aperiodic collective synchronous oscillations that mimic experimental observations at 0.5 mM Ca concentration. In regime C the model shows spontaneous synchronous periodic activity that mimic activity observed at 1 mM Ca concentration and the PSD shows two peaks at the 1st and 2nd harmonics in agreement with experiments at 1 mM Ca. Moreover (due to intrinsic noise and nonlinear activation function effects) the PSD shows a broad band peak at low frequency. This feature, observed experimentally, does not find explanation in the previous models. Besides we identify parametric changes (namely increase of noise or decreasing of excitatory connections) that reproduces the fading of periodicity found experimentally at long times, and we identify a way to discriminate between those two possible effects measuring experimentally the low frequency PSD.
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