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Practical application of the multi-model approach in the study of complex systems

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 نشر من قبل Dmitry Kulyabov
 تاريخ النشر 2021
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Different kinds of models are used to study various natural and technical phenomena. Usually, the researcher is limited to using a certain kind of model approach, not using others (or even not realizing the existence of other model approaches). The authors believe that a complete study of a certain phenomenon should cover several model approaches. The paper describes several model approaches which we used in the study of the random early detection algorithm for active queue management. Both the model approaches themselves and their implementation and the results obtained are described.

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This work presents the continuation of the recent article The Lorenz system: hidden boundary of practical stability and the Lyapunov dimension, published in the Nonlinear Dynamics journal. In this work, in comparison with the results for classical re al-valued Lorenz system (henceforward -- Lorenz system), the problem of analytical and numerical identification of the boundary of global stability for the complex-valued Lorenz system (henceforward -- complex Lorenz system) is studied. As in the case of the Lorenz system, to estimate the inner boundary of global stability the possibility of using the mathematical apparatus of Lyapunov functions (namely, the Barbashin-Krasovskii and LaSalle theorems) is demonstrated. For additional analysis of homoclinic bifurcations in complex Lorenz system a special analytical approach by Vladimirov is utilized. To outline the outer boundary of global stability and identify the so-called hidden boundary of global stability, possible birth of hidden attractors and transient chaotic sets is analyzed.
The 2011 Grand Challenge in Service conference aimed to explore, analyse and evaluate complex service systems, utilising a case scenario of delivering on improved perception of safety in the London Borough of Sutton, which provided a common context t o link the contributions. The key themes that emerged included value co-creation, systems and networks, ICT and complexity, for which we summarise the contributions. Contributions on value co-creation are based mainly on empirical research and provide a variety of insights including the importance of better understanding collaboration within value co-creation. Contributions on the systems perspective, considered to arise from networks of value co-creation, include efforts to understand the implications of the interactions within service systems, as well as their interactions with social systems, to co-create value. Contributions within the technological sphere, providing ever greater connectivity between entities, focus on the creation of new value constellations and new demand being fulfilled through hybrid offerings of physical assets, information and people. Contributions on complexity, arising from the value co- creation networks of technology enabled services systems, focus on the challenges in understanding, managing and analysing these complex service systems. The theory and applications all show the importance of understanding service for the future.
311 - F. Rosch , 2007
Molecular dynamics simulations of crack propagation are performed for two extreme cases of complex metallic alloys (CMAs): In a model quasicrystal the structure is determined by clusters of atoms, whereas the model C15 Laves phase is a simple periodi c stacking of a unit cell. The simulations reveal that the basic building units of the structures also govern their fracture behaviour. Atoms in the Laves phase play a comparable role to the clusters in the quasicrystal. Although the latter are not rigid units, they have to be regarded as significant physical entities.
The Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller is widely used in industries for process control applications. Fractional-order PID controllers are known to outperform their integer-order counterparts. In this paper, we propose a new technique of fra ctional-order PID controller synthesis based on peak overshoot and rise-time specifications. Our approach is to construct an objective function, the optimization of which yields a possible solution to the design problem. This objective function is optimized using two popular bio-inspired stochastic search algorithms, namely Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution. With the help of a suitable example, the superiority of the designed fractional-order PID controller to an integer-order PID controller is affirmed and a comparative study of the efficacy of the two above algorithms in solving the optimization problem is also presented.
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic for solving difficult discrete optimization problems. This paper presents a deterministic model based on differential equation to analyze the dynamics of basic Ant System algorithm. Traditionally, the deposition of pheromone on different parts of the tour of a particular ant is always kept unvarying. Thus the pheromone concentration remains uniform throughout the entire path of an ant. This article introduces an exponentially increasing pheromone deposition approach by artificial ants to improve the performance of basic Ant System algorithm. The idea here is to introduce an additional attracting force to guide the ants towards destination more easily by constructing an artificial potential field identified by increasing pheromone concentration towards the goal. Apart from carrying out analysis of Ant System dynamics with both traditional and the newly proposed deposition rules, the paper presents an exhaustive set of experiments performed to find out suitable parameter ranges for best performance of Ant System with the proposed deposition approach. Simulations reveal that the proposed deposition rule outperforms the traditional one by a large extent both in terms of solution quality and algorithm convergence. Thus, the contributions of the article can be presented as follows: i) it introduces differential equation and explores a novel method of analyzing the dynamics of ant system algorithms, ii) it initiates an exponentially increasing pheromone deposition approach by artificial ants to improve the performance of algorithm in terms of solution quality and convergence time, iii) exhaustive experimentation performed facilitates the discovery of an algebraic relationship between the parameter set of the algorithm and feature of the problem environment.
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