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Surfactant-dependent contact line dynamics and droplet adhesion on textured substrates: derivations and computations

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 نشر من قبل Yuan Gao
 تاريخ النشر 2021
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the adhesion of a droplet with insoluble surfactant laid on its capillary surface to a textured substrate. In this process, the surfactant-dependent surface tension dominates the behaviors of the whole dynamics, particularly the moving contact lines. This allows us to derive the full dynamics of the droplets laid by the insoluble surfactant: (i) the moving contact lines, (ii) the evolution of the capillary surface, and (iii) the surfactant dynamics on this moving surface with a boundary condition at the contact lines. Our derivations base on Onsagers principle with Rayleigh dissipation functionals for either the viscous flow inside droplets or the motion by mean curvature of the capillary surface. We also prove the Rayleigh dissipation functional for the viscous flow case is stronger than the one for the motion by mean curvature. After incorporating the textured substrate profile, we design numerical schemes based on unconditionally stable explicit boundary updates and moving grids, which enable efficient computations for many challenging examples showing the significant contributions of the surfactant.

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We model the advective Marangoni spreading of insoluble surfactant at the free surface of a viscous fluid that is confined within a two-dimensional rectangular cavity. Interfacial deflections are assumed small, with contact lines pinned to the walls of the cavity, and inertia is neglected. Linearizing the surfactant transport equation about the equilibrium state allows a modal decomposition of the dynamics, with eigenvalues corresponding to decay rates of perturbations. Computation of the family of mutually orthogonal two-dimensional eigenfunctions reveals singular flow structures near each contact line, resulting in spatially oscillatory patterns of wall shear stress and a pressure field that diverges logarithmically. These singularities at a stationary contact line are associated with dynamic compression of the surfactant monolayer; we show how they can be regularized by weak surface diffusion. Their existence highlights the need for careful treatment in computations of unsteady advection-dominated surfactant transport in confined domains.
Droplet migration in a Hele--Shaw cell is a fundamental multiphase flow problem which is crucial for many microfluidics applications. We focus on the regime at low capillary number and three-dimensional direct numerical simulations are performed to i nvestigate the problem. In order to reduce the computational cost, an adaptive mesh is employed and high mesh resolution is only used near the interface. Parametric studies are performed on the droplet horizontal radius and the capillary number. For droplets with an horizontal radius larger than half the channel height the droplet overfills the channel and exhibits a pancake shape. A lubrication film is formed between the droplet and the wall and particular attention is paid to the effect of the lubrication film on the droplet velocity. The computed velocity of the pancake droplet is shown to be lower than the average inflow velocity, which is in agreement with experimental measurements. The numerical results show that both the strong shear induced by the lubrication film and the three-dimensional flow structure contribute to the low mobility of the droplet. In this low-migration-velocity scenario the interfacial flow in the droplet reference frame moves toward the rear on the top and reverses direction moving to the front from the two side edges. The velocity of the pancake droplet and the thickness of the lubrication film are observed to decrease with capillary number. The droplet velocity and its dependence on capillary number cannot be captured by the classic Hele--Shaw equations, since the depth-averaged approximation neglects the effect of the lubrication film.
Modal and nonmodal analyses of fluid flows provide fundamental insight into the early stages of transition to turbulence. Eigenvalues of the dynamical generator govern temporal growth or decay of individual modes, while singular values of the frequen cy response operator quantify the amplification of disturbances for linearly stable flows. In this paper, we develop well-conditioned ultraspherical and spectral integration methods for frequency response analysis of channel flows of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids. Even if a discretization method is well-conditioned, we demonstrate that calculations can be erroneous if singular values are computed as the eigenvalues of a cascade connection of the frequency response operator and its adjoint. To address this issue, we utilize a feedback interconnection of the frequency response operator with its adjoint to avoid computation of inverses and facilitate robust singular value decomposition. Specifically, in contrast to conventional spectral collocation methods, the proposed method (i) produces reliable results in channel flows of viscoelastic fluids at high Weissenberg numbers ($sim 500$); and (ii) does not require a staggered grid for the equations in primitive variables.
The effects of viscoelasticity on the dynamics and break-up of fluid threads in microfluidic T-junctions are investigated using numerical simulations of dilute polymer solutions at changing the Capillary number ($mbox {Ca}$), i.e. at changing the bal ance between the viscous forces and the surface tension at the interface, up to $mbox{Ca} approx 3 times 10^{-2}$. A Navier-Stokes (NS) description of the solvent based on the lattice Boltzmann models (LBM) is here coupled to constitutive equations for finite extensible non-linear elastic dumbbells with the closure proposed by Peterlin (FENE-P model). We present the results of three-dimensional simulations in a range of $mbox{Ca}$ which is broad enough to characterize all the three characteristic mechanisms of breakup in the confined T-junction, i.e. ${it squeezing}$, ${it dripping}$ and ${it jetting}$ regimes. The various model parameters of the FENE-P constitutive equations, including the polymer relaxation time $tau_P$ and the finite extensibility parameter $L^2$, are changed to provide quantitative details on how the dynamics and break-up properties are affected by viscoelasticity. We will analyze cases with ${it Droplet ~Viscoelasticity}$ (DV), where viscoelastic properties are confined in the dispersed (d) phase, as well as cases with ${it Matrix ~Viscoelasticity}$ (MV), where viscoelastic properties are confined in the continuous (c) phase. Moderate flow-rate ratios $Q approx {cal O}(1)$ of the two phases are considered in the present study. Overall, we find that the effects are more pronounced in the case with MV, as the flow driving the break-up process upstream of the emerging thread can be sensibly perturbed by the polymer stresses.
166 - Vikash Kumar 2021
The levitation of a volatile droplet on a highly superheated surface is known as the Leidenfrost effect. Wetting state during transition from full wetting of a surface by a droplet at room temperature to Leidenfrost bouncing, i.e., zero-wetting at hi gh superheating, is not fully understood. Here, visualizations of droplet thermal and wetting footprint in the Leidenfrost transition state are presented using two optical techniques: mid-infrared thermography and wetting sensitive total internal reflection imaging under carefully selected experimental conditions, impact Weber number < 10 and droplet diameter < capillary length, using an indium-tin-oxide coated sapphire heater. The experimental regime was designed to create relatively stable droplet dynamics, where the effects of oscillatory and capillary instabilities were minimized. The thermography for ethanol droplet in Leidenfrost transition state (superheat range of 82K-97K) revealed thermal footprint with a central hot zone surrounded by a cooler periphery, indicative of a partial wetting state during Leidenfrost transition. High-speed total internal reflection imaging also confirmed the partial wetting footprint such that there are wetting areas around a central non-wetting zone. Result presented here using ethanol as a test fluid shed light on the geometry and dynamics of a volatile droplet footprint in Leidenfrost transition state.
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