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On the mechanical contribution of head stabilization to passive dynamics of anthropometric walkers

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 نشر من قبل Mehdi Benallegue
 تاريخ النشر 2020
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Mehdi Benallegue

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During the steady gait, humans stabilize their head around the vertical orientation. While there are sensori-cognitive explanations for this phenomenon, its mechanical e fect on the body dynamics remains un-explored. In this study, we take profit from the similarities that human steady gait share with the locomotion of passive dynamics robots. We introduce a simplified anthropometric D model to reproduce a broad walking dynamics. In a previous study, we showed heuristically that the presence of a stabilized head-neck system significantly influences the dynamics of walking. This paper gives new insights that lead to understanding this mechanical e fect. In particular, we introduce an original cart upper-body model that allows to better understand the mechanical interest of head stabilization when walking, and we study how this e fect is sensitive to the choice of control parameters.

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177 - W. Wahab Hugeng , , D. Gunawan 2010
An important problem to be solved in modeling head-related impulse responses (HRIRs) is how to individualize HRIRs so that they are suitable for a listener. We modeled the entire magnitude head-related transfer functions (HRTFs), in frequency domain, for sound sources on horizontal plane of 37 subjects using principal components analysis (PCA). The individual magnitude HRTFs could be modeled adequately well by a linear combination of only ten orthonormal basis functions. The goal of this research was to establish multiple linear regression (MLR) between weights of basis functions obtained from PCA and fewer anthropometric measurements in order to individualize a given listeners HRTFs with his or her own anthropomety. We proposed here an improved individualization method based on MLR of weights of basis functions by utilizing 8 chosen out of 27 anthropometric measurements. Our objective experiments results show a superior performance than that of our previous work on individualizing minimum phase HRIRs and also better than similar research. The proposed individualization method shows that the individualized magnitude HRTFs could approximated well the the original ones with small error. Moving sound employing the reconstructed HRIRs could be perceived as if it was moving around the horizontal plane.
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