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Nonlinear biseparating maps

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 نشر من قبل Denny H. Leung
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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An additive map $T$ acting between spaces of vector-valued functions is said to be biseparating if $T$ is a bijection so that $f$ and $g$ are disjoint if and only if $Tf$ and $Tg$ are disjoint. Note that an additive bijection retains $mathbb{Q}$-linearity. For a general nonlinear map $T$, the definition of biseparating given above turns out to be too weak to determine the structure of $T$. In this paper, we propose a revised definition of biseparating maps for general nonlinear operators acting between spaces of vector-valued functions, which coincides with the previous definition for additive maps. Under some mild assumptions on the function spaces involved, it turns out that a map is biseparating if and only if it is locally determined. We then delve deeply into some specific function spaces -- spaces of continuous functions, uniformly continuous functions and Lipschitz functions -- and characterize the biseparating maps acting on them. As a by-product, certain forms of automatic continuity are obtained. We also prove some finer properties of biseparating maps in the cases of uniformly continuous and Lipschitz functions.

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179 - Denny H. Leung 2009
Let $X, Y$ be complete metric spaces and $E, F$ be Banach spaces. A bijective linear operator from a space of $E$-valued functions on $X$ to a space of $F$-valued functions on $Y$ is said to be biseparating if $f$ and $g$ are disjoint if and only if $Tf$ and $Tg$ are disjoint. We introduce the class of generalized Lipschitz spaces, which includes as special cases the classes of Lipschitz, little Lipschitz and uniformly continuous functions. Linear biseparating maps between generalized Lipschitz spaces are characterized as weighted composition operators, i.e., of the form $Tf(y) = S_y(f(h^{-1}(y))$ for a family of vector space isomorphisms $S_y: E to F$ and a homeomorphism $h : Xto Y$. We also investigate the continuity of $T$ and related questions. Here the functions involved (as well as the metric spaces $X$ and $Y$) may be unbounded. Also, the arguments do not require the use of compactification of the spaces $X$ and $Y$.
It is well-known that if T is a D_m-D_n bimodule map on the m by n complex matrices, then T is a Schur multiplier and $|T|_{cb}=|T|$. If n=2 and T is merely assumed to be a right D_2-module map, then we show that $|T|_{cb}=|T|$. However, this propert y fails if m>1 and n>2. For m>1 and n=3,4 or $ngeq m^2$, we give examples of maps T attaining the supremum C(m,n)=sup |T|_{cb} taken over the contractive, right D_n-module maps on M_{m,n}, we show that C(m,m^2)=sqrt{m} and succeed in finding sharp results for C(m,n) in certain other cases. As a consequence, if H is an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and D is a masa in B(H), then there is a bounded right D-module map on the compact operators K(H) which is not completely bounded.
A linear map $Phi :mathbb{M}_n to mathbb{M}_k$ is called completely copositive if the resulting matrix $[Phi (A_{j,i})]_{i,j=1}^m$ is positive semidefinite for any integer $m$ and positive semidefinite matrix $[A_{i,j}]_{i,j=1}^m$. In this paper, we present some applications of the completely copositive maps $Phi (X)=(mathrm{tr} X)I+X$ and $Psi (X)= (mathrm{tr} X)I-X$. Some new extensions about traces inequalities of positive semidefinite $3times 3$ block matrices are included.
We initiate the study of the completely bounded multipliers of the Haagerup tensor product $A(G)otimes_{rm h} A(G)$ of two copies of the Fourier algebra $A(G)$ of a locally compact group $G$. If $E$ is a closed subset of $G$ we let $E^{sharp} = {(s,t ) : stin E}$ and show that if $E^{sharp}$ is a set of spectral synthesis for $A(G)otimes_{rm h} A(G)$ then $E$ is a set of local spectral synthesis for $A(G)$. Conversely, we prove that if $E$ is a set of spectral synthesis for $A(G)$ and $G$ is a Moore group then $E^{sharp}$ is a set of spectral synthesis for $A(G)otimes_{rm h} A(G)$. Using the natural identification of the space of all completely bounded weak* continuous $VN(G)$-bimodule maps with the dual of $A(G)otimes_{rm h} A(G)$, we show that, in the case $G$ is weakly amenable, such a map leaves the multiplication algebra of $L^{infty}(G)$ invariant if and only if its support is contained in the antidiagonal of $G$.
Affine invariant points and maps for sets were introduced by Grunbaum to study the symmetry structure of convex sets. We extend these notions to a functional setting. The role of symmetry of the set is now taken by evenness of the function. We show t hat among the examples for affine invariant points are the classical center of gravity of a log-concave function and its Santalo point. We also show that the recently introduced floating functions and the John- and Lowner functions are examples of affine invariant maps. Their centers provide new examples of affine invariant points for log-concave functions.
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