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A Frequency-Multiplexed Coherent Electro-Optic Memory in Rare Earth Doped Nanoparticles

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 نشر من قبل Philippe Goldner
 تاريخ النشر 2020
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Quantum memories for light are essential components in quantum technologies like long-distance quantum communication and distributed quantum computing. Recent studies have shown that long optical and spin coherence lifetimes can be observed in rare earth doped nanoparticles, opening exciting possibilities over bulk materials e.g. for enhancing coupling to light and other quantum systems, and material design. Here, we report on coherent light storage in Eu$^{3+}$:Y$_2$O$_3$ nanoparticles using the Stark Echo Modulation Memory (SEMM) quantum protocol. We first measure a nearly constant Stark coefficient of 50 kHz/(V/cm) across a bandwidth of 15 GHz, which is promising for broadband operation. Storage of light using SEMM is then demonstrated for times up to 40 $mu$s. Pulses with two different frequencies are also stored, confirming frequency-multiplexing capability, and are used to demonstrate the memory high phase fidelity.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We demonstrate a two-photon interference experiment for phase coherent biphoton frequency combs (BFCs), created through spectral amplitude filtering of biphotons with a continuous broadband spectrum. By using an electro-optic phase modulator, we proj ect the BFC lines into sidebands that overlap in frequency. The resulting high-visibility interference patterns provide an approach to verify frequency-bin entanglement even with slow single-photon detectors; we show interference patterns with visibilities that surpass the classical threshold for qubit and qutrit states. Additionally, we show that with entangled qutrits, two-photon interference occurs even with projections onto different final frequency states. Finally, we show the versatility of this scheme for weak-light measurements by performing a series of two-dimensional experiments at different signal-idler frequency offsets to measure the dispersion of a single-mode fiber.
262 - D. L. McAuslan , D. Korystov , 2011
We perform an investigation into the properties of Pr3+:Y2SiO5 whispering gallery mode resonators as a first step towards achieving the strong coupling regime of cavity QED with rare-earth-ion doped crystals. Direct measurement of cavity QED paramete rs are made using photon echoes, giving good agreement with theoretical predictions. By comparing the ions at the surface of the resonator to those in the center it is determined that the physical process of making the resonator does not negatively affect the properties of the ions. Coupling between the ions and resonator is analyzed through the observation of optical bistability and normal-mode splitting.
Quantum light-matter interfaces (QLMIs) connecting stationary qubits to photons will enable optical networks for quantum communications, precise global time keeping, photon switching, and studies of fundamental physics. Rare-earth-ion (REI) doped cry stals are state-of-the-art materials for optical quantum memories and quantum transducers between optical photons, microwave photons and spin waves. Here we demonstrate coupling of an ensemble of neodymium REIs to photonic nano-cavities fabricated in the yttrium orthosilicate host crystal. Cavity quantum electrodynamics effects including Purcell enhancement (F=42) and dipole-induced transparency are observed on the highly coherent 4I9/2-4F3/2 optical transition. Fluctuations in the cavity transmission due to statistical fine structure of the atomic density are measured, indicating operation at the quantum level. Coherent optical control of cavity-coupled REIs is performed via photon echoes. Long optical coherence times (T2~100 microseconds) and small inhomogeneous broadening are measured for the cavity-coupled REIs, thus demonstrating their potential for on-chip scalable QLMIs.
High speed optical telecommunication is enabled by wavelength division multiplexing, whereby hundreds of individually stabilized lasers encode the information within a single mode optical fiber. In the seek for larger bandwidth the optical power sent into the fiber is limited by optical non-linearities within the fiber and energy consumption of the light sources starts to become a significant cost factor. Optical frequency combs have been suggested to remedy this problem by generating multiple laser lines within a monolithic device, their current stability and coherence lets them operate only in small parameter ranges. Here we show that a broadband frequency comb realized through the electro-optic effect within a high quality whispering gallery mode resonator can operate at low microwave and optical powers. Contrary to the usual third order Kerr non-linear optical frequency combs we rely on the second order non-linear effect which is much more efficient. Our result uses a fixed microwave signal which is mixed with an optical pump signal to generate a coherent frequency comb with a precisely determined carrier separation. The resonant enhancement enables us to operate with microwave powers three order magnitude smaller than in commercially available devices. We can expect the implementation into the next generation long distance telecommunication which relies on coherent emission and detection schemes to allow for operation with higher optical powers and at reduced cost.
312 - P. Siyushev , K. Xia , R. Reuter 2014
Rare-earth-doped crystals are excellent hardware for quantum storage of optical information. Additional functionality of these materials is added by their waveguiding properties allowing for on-chip photonic networks. However, detection and coherent properties of rare-earth single-spin qubits have not been demonstrated so far. Here, we present experimental results on high-fidelity optical initialization, effcient coherent manipulation, and optical readout of a single electron spin of Ce$^{3+}$ ion in a YAG crystal. Under dynamic decoupling, spin coherence lifetime reaches $T_2$=2 ms and is almost limited by the measured spin-lattice relaxation time $T_1$=3.8 ms. Strong hyperfine coupling to aluminium nuclear spins suggests that cerium electron spins can be exploited as an interface between photons and long-lived nuclear spin memory. Combined with high brightness of Ce$^{3+}$ emission and a possibility of creating photonic circuits out of the host material, this makes cerium spins an interesting option for integrated quantum photonics.
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