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We demonstrate efficient transverse compression of a 12.5 MeV/c muon beam stopped in a helium gas target featuring a vertical density gradient and crossed electric and magnetic fields. The muon stop distribution extending vertically over 14 mm was reduced to a 0.25 mm size (RMS) within 3.5 $mu$s. The simulation including cross sections for low-energy $mu^+$-$text{He}$ elastic and charge exchange ($mu^+leftrightarrow $ muonium) collisions describes the measurements well. By combining the transverse compression stage with a previously demonstrated longitudinal compression stage, we can improve the phase space density of a $mu^+ $ beam by a factor of $ 10^{10} $ with $ 10^{-3} $ efficiency.
Removal of residual linear energy chirp and intrinsic nonlinear energy curvature in the relativistic electron beam from radiofrequency linear accelerator is of paramount importance for efficient lasing of a high-gain free-electron laser. Recently, it
A 10 MeV/c $mu^+$ beam was stopped in helium gas of a few mbar in a magnetic field of 5 T. The muon swarm has been efficiently compressed from a length of 16 cm down to a few mm along the magnetic field axis (longitudinal compression) using electrost
In this Letter, I report on a novel scheme for beam stacking without any beam emittance dilution using a barrier rf system in synchrotrons. The general principle of the scheme called longitudinal phase-space coating, validation of the concept via mul
Coulomb interaction between charged particles is a well-known phenomenon in many areas of researches. In general the Coulomb repulsion force broadens the pulse width of an electron bunch and limits the temporal resolution of many scientific facilitie
FAST linear accelerator has been commissioned in 2017. Experimental program of the facility requires high quality beams with well-defined properties. Solenoidal fields at photoinjector, laser spot shape, space charge forces and other effects can dist