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As is well-known, cluster transformations in cluster structures of geometric type are often modeled on determinant identities, such as short Plucker relations, Desnanot--Jacobi identities and their generalizations. We present a construction that plays a similar role in a description of generalized cluster transformations and discuss its applications to generalized cluster structures in GL_n compatible with a certain subclass of Belavin--Drinfeld Poisson--Lie brackets, in the Drinfeld double of GL_n, and in spaces of periodic difference operators.
We relate the Weyr structure of a square matrix $B$ to that of the $t times t$ block upper triangular matrix $C$ that has $B$ down the main diagonal and first superdiagonal, and zeros elsewhere. Of special interest is the case $t = 2$ and where $C$ i
The $F$-signature is a numerical invariant defined by the number of free direct summands in the Frobenius push-forward, and it measures singularities in positive characteristic. It can be generalized by focussing on the number of non-free direct summ
In this paper we study the equations of the elimination ideal associated with $n+1$ generic multihomogeneous polynomials defined over a product of projective spaces of dimension $n$. We first prove a duality property and then make this duality explic
Minimal Markov bases of configurations of integer vectors correspond to minimal binomial generating sets of the assocciated lattice ideal. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the elements of a minimal Markov basis to be (a) inside the uni
Principal matrices of a numerical semigroup of embedding dimension n are special types of $n times n$ matrices over integers of rank $leq n - 1$. We show that such matrices and even the pseudo principal matrices of size n must have rank $geq frac{n}{