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The shape of the Photon Transfer Curve of CCD sensors

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 نشر من قبل Pierre Astier
 تاريخ النشر 2019
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The Photon Transfer Curve (PTC) of a CCD depicts the variance of uniform images as a function of their average. It is now well established that the variance is not proportional to the average, as Poisson statistics would indicate, but rather flattens out at high flux. This variance deficit, related to the brighter-fatter effect, feeds correlations between nearby pixels, that increase with flux, and decay with distance. We propose an analytical expression for the PTC shape, and for the dependence of correlations with intensity, and relate both to some more basic quantities related to the electrostatics of the sensor, that are commonly used to correct science images for the brighter-fatter effect. We derive electrostatic constraints from a large set of flat field images acquired with a CCD e2v 250, and eventually question the generally-admitted assumption that boundaries of CCD pixels shift by amounts proportional to the source charges. Our results show that the departure of flat field statistics from Poisson law is entirely compatible with charge redistribution during the drift in the sensor.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

416 - Pierre Astier 2015
CCD sensors do not deliver a perfect image of the light they receive. Beyond the well known linear image smearing due to diffusion of charges during their drift towards the pixel wells, non-linear effects are at play in these sensors. We now have amp le evidence for both a flux- dependent and static image distortions, especially but not only, on deep-depleted CCDs. For large surveys relying on CCD sensors, these effects should now be taken into account when reducing data. We present here a summary of current results on sensor characterization and mitigation methods.
Image smear, produced by the shutter-less operation of frame transfer CCD detectors, can be detrimental for many imaging applications. Existing algorithms used to numerically remove smear, do not contemplate cases where intensity levels change consid erably between consecutive frame exposures. In this report we reformulate the smearing model to include specific variations of the sensor illumination. The corresponding desmearing expression and its noise properties are also presented and demonstrated in the context of fast imaging polarimetry.
We present experimental studies on the charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) of charge-coupled device (CCD) developed for the soft X-ray imaging telescope, Xtend, aboard the XRISM satellite. The CCD is equipped with a charge injection (CI) capability, i n which sacrificial charge is periodically injected to fill the charge traps. By evaluating the re-emission of the trapped charge observed behind the CI rows, we find that there are at least three trap populations with different time constants. The traps with the shortest time constant, which is equivalent to a transfer time of approximately one pixel, are mainly responsible for the trailing charge of an X-ray event seen in the following pixel. A comparison of the trailing charge in two clocking modes reveals that the CTI depends not only on the transfer time but also on the area, namely the imaging or storage area. We construct a new CTI model with taking into account with both transfer-time and area dependence. This model reproduces the data obtained in both clocking modes consistently. We also examine apparent flux dependence of the CTI observed without the CI technique. The higher incident X-ray flux is, the lower the CTI value becomes. It is due to a sacrificial charge effect by another X-ray photon. This effect is found to be negligible when the CI technique is used.
We report the radiation hardness of a p-channel CCD developed for the X-ray CCD camera onboard the XRISM satellite. This CCD has basically the same characteristics as the one used in the previous Hitomi satellite, but newly employs a notch structure of potential for signal charges by increasing the implant concentration in the channel. The new device was exposed up to approximately $7.9 times 10^{10} mathrm{~protons~cm^{-2}}$ at 100 MeV. The charge transfer inefficiency was estimated as a function of proton fluence with an ${}^{55} mathrm{Fe}$ source. A device without the notch structure was also examined for comparison. The result shows that the notch device has a significantly higher radiation hardness than those without the notch structure including the device adopted for Hitomi. This proves that the new CCD is radiation tolerant for space applications with a sufficient margin.
Modern precise radial velocity spectrometers are designed to infer the existence of planets orbiting other stars by measuring few-nm shifts in the positions of stellar spectral lines recorded at high spectral resolution on a large-area digital detect or. While the spectrometer may be highly stabilized in terms of temperature, the detector itself may undergo changes in temperature during readout that are an order of magnitude or more larger than the other opto-mechanical components within the instrument. These variations in detector temperature can translate directly into systematic measurement errors. We explore a technique for reducing the amplitude of CCD temperature variations by shuffling charge within a pixel in the parallel direction during integration. We find that this dither clocking mode greatly reduces temperature variations in the CCDs being tested for the NEID spectrometer. We investigate several potential negative effects this clocking scheme could have on the underlying spectral data.
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