ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
The response of a position-sensitive Li-glass scintillator detector to $alpha$-particles from a collimated $^{241}$Am source scanned across the face of the detector has been measured. Scintillation light was read out by an 8 X 8 pixel multi-anode photomultiplier and the signal amplitude for each pixel has been recorded for every position on a scan. The pixel signal is strongly dependent on position and in general several pixels will register a signal (a hit) above a given threshold. The effect of this threshold on hit multiplicity is studied, with a view to optimize the single-hit efficiency of the detector.
The response of a position-sensitive Li-glass scintillator detector being developed for thermal-neutron detection with 6 mm position resolution has been investigated using collimated beams of thermal neutrons. The detector was moved perpendicularly t
The response of a position-sensitive Li-glass based scintillation detector to focused beams of 2.5 MeV protons and deuterons has been investigated. The beams were scanned across the detector in 0.5 mm horizontal and vertical steps perpendicular to th
We have developed MICROMEGAS (MICRO MEsh GASeous) detectors for detecting {alpha} particles emitted from an 241-Am standard source. The voltage applied to the ionization region of the detector is optimized for stable operation at room temperature and
In the Kaos spectrometer at the Mainz Microtron a high-resolution coordinate detector for high-energy particles is operated. It consists of scintillating fibres with diameters of < 1mm and is read out by > 4000 multi-anode photomultiplier channels. I
The aim of this paper is to fully characterize the new multi-anode photomultiplier tube R11265-103-M64, produced by Hamamatsu. Its high effective active area (77%), its pixel size, the low dark signal rate and the capability to detect single photon s