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We prove a large deviation principle and give an expression for the rate function, for the last passage time in a Bernoulli environment. The model is exactly solvable and its invariant version satisfies a Burke-type property. Finally, we compute explicit limiting logarithmic moment generating functions for both the classical and the invariant models. The shape function of this model exhibits a flat edge in certain directions, and we also discuss the rate function and limiting log-moment generating functions in those directions.
We study the sequence alignment problem and its independent version, the discrete Hammersley process with an exploration penalty. We obtain rigorous upper bounds for the number of optimality regions in both models near the soft edge. At zero penalty
We initiate a study of large deviations for block model random graphs in the dense regime. Following Chatterjee-Varadhan(2011), we establish an LDP for dense block models, viewed as random graphons. As an application of our result, we study upper tai
In this paper, we derive the joint Laplace transforms of occupation times until its last passage times as well as its positions. Motivated by Baurdoux [2], the last times before an independent exponential variable are studied. By applying dual argume
In this paper we prove a duality relation between coalescence times and exit points in last-passage percolation models with exponential weights. As a consequence, we get lower bounds for coalescence times with scaling exponent 3/2, and we relate its
This paper is devoted to investigating the Freidlin-Wentzells large deviation principle for a class of McKean-Vlasov quasilinear SPDEs perturbed by small multiplicative noise. We adopt the variational framework and the modified weak convergence crite