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Non-obstructive intracellular nanolasers

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 نشر من قبل Malte C Gather
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Nanophotonic objects like plasmonic nanoparticles and colloidal quantum dots can complement the functionality of molecular dyes in biomedical optics. However, their operation is usually governed by spontaneous processes, which results in broad spectral features and limited signal-to-noise ratio, thus restricting opportunities for spectral multiplexing and sensing. Lasers provide the ultimate spectral definition and background suppression, and their integration with cells has recently been demonstrated. However, laser size and threshold remain problematic. Here, we report on the design, high-throughput fabrication and intracellular integration of semiconductor nanodisk lasers. By exploiting the large optical gain and high refractive index of GaInP/AlGaInP quantum wells, we obtain lasers with volumes 1000-fold smaller than the eukaryotic nucleus ($V_{laser}$<0.1 $mu$m$^3$), lasing thresholds 500-fold below the pulse energies typically used in two-photon microscopy ($E_{th} approx $0.13 pJ), and excellent spectral stability (<50 pm wavelength shift). Multiplexed labelling with these lasers allows cells-tracking through micro-pores, thus providing a powerful tool to study cell migration and cancer invasion.

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اقرأ أيضاً

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Using a fully stochastic numerical scheme, we investigate the behaviour of a nanolaser in the low-coherence regime at the transition between spontaneous emission and lasing under the influence of intensity feedback. Studying the input-output curves a s well as the second order correlations for different feedback fractions, we obtain an insight on the role played by the fraction of photons reinjected into the cavity. The interpretation of the observation is strengthened through the comparison with the temporal traces of the emitted photons and with the radiofrequency power spectra. The results give insight into the physics of nanolasers as well as validate the use of the second order autocorrelation as a sufficient tool for the interpretation of the dynamics. This confirmation offers a solid basis for the reliance on autocorrelations in experiments studying the effects of feedback in nanodevices.
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