ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
We experimentally emulate, in a controlled fashion, the non-Markovian dynamics of a pure dephasing spin-boson model at zero temperature. Specifically, we use a randomized set of external radio-frequency fields to engineer a desired noise power-spectrum to effectively realize a non-Markovian environment for a single NMR qubit. The information backflow, characteristic to the non-Markovianity, is captured in the nonmonotonicity of the decoherence function and von Neumann entropy of the system. Using such emulated non-Markovian environments, we experimentally study the efficiency of the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill dynamical decoupling (DD) sequence to inhibit the loss of coherence. Using the filter function formalism, we design optimized DD sequences that maximize coherence protection for non-Markovian environments and study their efficiencies experimentally. Finally, we discuss DD-assisted tuning of the effective non-Markovianity.
The time evolution of the distribution and shareability of quantum coherence of a tripartite system in a non-Markovian environment is examined. The total coherence can be decomposed into various contributions, ranging from local, global bipartite and
We provide an experimental study of the relationship between the action of different classical noises on the dephasing dynamics of a two-level system and the non-Markovianity of the quantum dynamics. The two-level system is encoded in the photonic po
In this letter, we investigate the effects of non-Hermitian driving on quantum coherence in a bipartite system. The results that the dynamical localization destroyed by the Hermitian interaction revives are an evidence of the restoration of quantum c
We study the dynamics of a quantum system whose interaction with an environment is described by a collision model, i.e. the open dynamics is modelled through sequences of unitary interactions between the system and the individual constituents of the
Every quantum system is coupled to an environment. Such system-environment interaction leads to temporal correlation between quantum operations at different times, resulting in non-Markovian noise. In principle, a full characterisation of non-Markovi