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Dicover and access GAPS Time Series: prototyping for interoperability

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 نشر من قبل Marco Molinaro
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The GAPS (Global Architecture of Planetary Systems) project is a, mainly Italian, effort for the comprehensive characterization of the architectural properties of planetary systems as a function of the host stars characteristics by using radial velocities technique. Since the beginning (2012) the project exploited the HARPS-N high resolution optical spectrograph mounted at the 4-m class TNG telescope in La Palma (Canary Islands). More recently, with the upgrade of the TNG near-infrared spectrograph GIANO-B, obtained in the framework of the GIARPS project, it has become possible to perform simultaneous observations with these two instruments, providing thus, at the same time, data both in the optical and in the near-infrared range. The large amount of data obtained in about 5 years of observations provided various scientific outputs, and among them, time series of radial velocity (RV) profiles of the investigated stellar systems. This contribution shows the first steps undertaken to deploy the GAPS Time Series as an interoperable resource within the VO framework designed by the IVOA. This effort has thus a double goal. On one side theres the aim at making the time series data (from RV up to their originating spectra) available to the general astrophysical community in an interoperable way. On the other side, to provide use cases and a prototyping base to the ongoing time domain priority effort at the IVOA level. Time series dataset discovery, depicted through use cases and mapped against the ObsCore model will be shown, highlighting commonalities as well as missing metadata requirements. Future development steps and criticalities, related also to the joint discovery and access of datasets provided by both the spectrographs operated side by side, will be summarized.

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776 - Dongwei Fan 2014
Data access and interoperability module connects the observation proposals, data, virtual machines and software. According to the unique identifier of PI (principal investigator), an email address or an internal ID, data can be collected by PIs propo sals, or by the search interfaces, e.g. conesearch. Files associated with the searched results could be easily transported to cloud storages, including the storage with virtual machines, or several commercial platforms like Dropbox. Benefitted from the standards of IVOA (International Observatories Alliance), VOTable formatted searching result could be sent to kinds of VO software. Latter endeavor will try to integrate more data and connect archives and some other astronomical resources.
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In this paper, we present the FATS (Feature Analysis for Time Series) library. FATS is a Python library which facilitates and standardizes feature extraction for time series data. In particular, we focus on one application: feature extraction for ast ronomical light curve data, although the library is generalizable for other uses. We detail the methods and features implemented for light curve analysis, and present examples for its usage.
Celestial objects exhibit a wide range of variability in brightness at different wavebands. Surprisingly, the most common methods for characterizing time series in statistics -- parametric autoregressive modeling -- is rarely used to interpret astron omical light curves. We review standard ARMA, ARIMA and ARFIMA (autoregressive moving average fractionally integrated) models that treat short-memory autocorrelation, long-memory $1/f^alpha$ `red noise, and nonstationary trends. Though designed for evenly spaced time series, moderately irregular cadences can be treated as evenly-spaced time series with missing data. Fitting algorithms are efficient and software implementations are widely available. We apply ARIMA models to light curves of four variable stars, discussing their effectiveness for different temporal characteristics. A variety of extensions to ARIMA are outlined, with emphasis on recently developed continuous-time models like CARMA and CARFIMA designed for irregularly spaced time series. Strengths and weakness of ARIMA-type modeling for astronomical data analysis and astrophysical insights are reviewed.
265 - Simon Vaughan 2013
Progress in astronomy comes from interpreting the signals encoded in the light received from distant objects: the distribution of light over the sky (images), over photon wavelength (spectrum), over polarization angle, and over time (usually called l ight curves by astronomers). In the time domain we see transient events such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and other powerful explosions; we see periodic phenomena such as the orbits of planets around nearby stars, radio pulsars, and pulsations of stars in nearby galaxies; and persistent aperiodic variations (`noise) from powerful systems like accreting black holes. I review just a few of the recent and future challenges in the burgeoning area of Time Domain Astrophysics, with particular attention to persistently variable sources, the recovery of reliable noise power spectra from sparsely sampled time series, higher-order properties of accreting black holes, and time delays and correlations in multivariate time series.
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