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Random time series in Astronomy

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 نشر من قبل Simon Vaughan
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Simon Vaughan

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Progress in astronomy comes from interpreting the signals encoded in the light received from distant objects: the distribution of light over the sky (images), over photon wavelength (spectrum), over polarization angle, and over time (usually called light curves by astronomers). In the time domain we see transient events such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and other powerful explosions; we see periodic phenomena such as the orbits of planets around nearby stars, radio pulsars, and pulsations of stars in nearby galaxies; and persistent aperiodic variations (`noise) from powerful systems like accreting black holes. I review just a few of the recent and future challenges in the burgeoning area of Time Domain Astrophysics, with particular attention to persistently variable sources, the recovery of reliable noise power spectra from sparsely sampled time series, higher-order properties of accreting black holes, and time delays and correlations in multivariate time series.

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Celestial objects exhibit a wide range of variability in brightness at different wavebands. Surprisingly, the most common methods for characterizing time series in statistics -- parametric autoregressive modeling -- is rarely used to interpret astron omical light curves. We review standard ARMA, ARIMA and ARFIMA (autoregressive moving average fractionally integrated) models that treat short-memory autocorrelation, long-memory $1/f^alpha$ `red noise, and nonstationary trends. Though designed for evenly spaced time series, moderately irregular cadences can be treated as evenly-spaced time series with missing data. Fitting algorithms are efficient and software implementations are widely available. We apply ARIMA models to light curves of four variable stars, discussing their effectiveness for different temporal characteristics. A variety of extensions to ARIMA are outlined, with emphasis on recently developed continuous-time models like CARMA and CARFIMA designed for irregularly spaced time series. Strengths and weakness of ARIMA-type modeling for astronomical data analysis and astrophysical insights are reviewed.
JWST transmission and emission spectra will provide invaluable glimpses of transiting exoplanet atmospheres, including possible biosignatures. This promising science from JWST, however, will require exquisite precision and understanding of systematic errors that can impact the time series of planets crossing in front of and behind their host stars. Here, we provide estimates of the random noise sources affecting JWST NIRCam time-series data on the integration-to-integration level. We find that 1/f noise can limit the precision of grism time series for 2 groups (230 ppm to 1000 ppm depending on the extraction method and extraction parameters), but will average down like the square root of N frames/reads. The current NIRCam grism time series mode is especially affected by 1/f noise because its GRISMR dispersion direction is parallel to the detector fast-read direction, but could be alleviated in the GRISMC direction. Care should be taken to include as many frames as possible per visit to reduce this 1/f noise source: thus, we recommend the smallest detector subarray sizes one can tolerate, 4 output channels and readout modes that minimize the number of skipped frames (RAPID or BRIGHT2). We also describe a covariance weighting scheme that can significantly lower the contributions from 1/f noise as compared to sum extraction. We evaluate the noise introduced by pre-amplifier offsets, random telegraph noise, and high dark current RC pixels and find that these are correctable below 10 ppm once background subtraction and pixel masking are performed. We explore systematic error sources in a companion paper.
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) are very-large telescopes designed to detect the nanosecond-timescale flashes produced within extended air showers. Because IACTs are sensitive to the Cherenkov light (UV/blue) and use photodetectors w ith extremely fast time responses, they are also able to perform simultaneous optical observations. The large reflecting areas of these telescopes (larger than 100 m$^2$) makes them well-suited to studying fast optical transient phenomena with timescales ranging from seconds to milliseconds to nanoseconds, and the unique optical design provides a wide field of view monitoring capability with a modest point spread function. VERITAS, with its recently upgraded PMT current monitoring instrumentation, was able to provide the first detection of asteroid occultations with an IACT, resulting in the highest angular resolution measurements for stellar diameters ever taken in the visible band range. Here we explore the feasibility of using this technique to significantly expand the number of stars with directly measured stellar radii, usable for population studies to test stellar evolution modelling or transiting exoplanet radius measurements. A single observatory with a high-speed visible-band photometer with a sensitivity reaching the 13$^{th}$ magnitude could increase the number of directly measured K stars diameters by 50%.
Supernovae mark the explosive deaths of stars and enrich the cosmos with heavy elements. Future telescopes will discover thousands of new supernovae nightly, creating a need to flag astrophysically interesting events rapidly for followup study. Ideal ly, such an anomaly detection pipeline would be independent of our current knowledge and be sensitive to unexpected phenomena. Here we present an unsupervised method to search for anomalous time series in real time for transient, multivariate, and aperiodic signals. We use a RNN-based variational autoencoder to encode supernova time series and an isolation forest to search for anomalous events in the learned encoded space. We apply this method to a simulated dataset of 12,159 supernovae, successfully discovering anomalous supernovae and objects with catastrophically incorrect redshift measurements. This work is the first anomaly detection pipeline for supernovae which works with online datastreams.
We describe a dynamic science portal called the GROWTH Marshal that allows time-domain astronomers to define science programs, program filters to save sources from different discovery streams, co-ordinate follow-up with various robotic or classical t elescopes, analyze the panchromatic follow-up data and generate summary tables for publication. The GROWTH marshal currently serves 137 scientists, 38 science programs and 67 telescopes. Every night, in real-time, several science programs apply various customized filters to the 10^5 nightly alerts from the Zwicky Transient Facility. Here, we describe the schematic and explain the functionality of the various components of this international collaborative platform.
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