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Pricing index options by static hedging under finite liquidity

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 نشر من قبل Udomsak Rakwongwan
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English

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We develop a model for indifference pricing in derivatives markets where price quotes have bid-ask spreads and finite quantities. The model quantifies the dependence of the prices and hedging portfolios on an investors beliefs, risk preferences and financial position as well as on the price quotes. Computational techniques of convex optimisation allow for fast computation of the hedging portfolios and prices as well as sensitivities with respect to various model parameters. We illustrate the techniques by pricing and hedging of exotic derivatives on S&P index using call and put options, forward contracts and cash as the hedging instruments. The optimized static hedges provide good approximations of the options payouts and the spreads between indifference selling and buying prices are quite narrow as compared with the spread between super- and subhedging prices.

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In this paper we develop an algorithm to calculate the prices and Greeks of barrier options in a hyper-exponential additive model with piecewise constant parameters. We obtain an explicit semi-analytical expression for the first-passage probability. The solution rests on a randomization and an explicit matrix Wiener-Hopf factorization. Employing this result we derive explicit expressions for the Laplace-Fourier transforms of the prices and Greeks of barrier options. As a numerical illustration, the prices and Greeks of down-and-in digital and down-and-in call options are calculated for a set of parameters obtained by a simultaneous calibration to Stoxx50E call options across strikes and four different maturities. By comparing the results with Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the method is fast, accurate, and stable.
193 - Michael Schmutz 2010
It turns out that in the bivariate Black-Scholes economy Margrabe type options exhibit symmetry properties leading to semi-static hedges of rather general barrier options. Some of the results are extended to variants obtained by means of Brownian sub ordination. In order to increase the liquidity of the hedging instruments for certain currency options, the duality principle can be applied to set up hedges in a foreign market by using only European vanilla options sometimes along with a risk-less bond. Since the semi-static hedges in the Black-Scholes economy are exact, closed form valuation formulas for certain barrier options can be easily derived.
This paper focuses on the pricing of continuous geometric Asian options (GAOs) under a multifactor stochastic volatility model. The model considers fast and slow mean reverting factors of volatility, where slow volatility factor is approximated by a quadratic arc. The asymptotic expansion of the price function is assumed, and the first order price approximation is derived using the perturbation techniques for both floating and fixed strike GAOs. Much simplified pricing formulae for the GAOs are obtained in this multifactor stochastic volatility framework. The zeroth order term in the price approximation is the modified Black-Scholes price for the GAOs. This modified price is expressed in terms of the Black-Scholes price for the GAOs. The accuracy of the approximate option pricing formulae is established, and the model parameter is also estimated by capturing the volatility smiles.
108 - Foad Shokrollahi 2017
This study deals with the problem of pricing compound options when the underlying asset follows a mixed fractional Brownian motion with jumps. An analytic formula for compound options is derived under the risk neutral measure. Then, these results are applied to value extendible options. Moreover, some special cases of the formula are discussed and numerical results are provided.
114 - Foad Shokrollahi 2016
A new framework for pricing the European currency option is developed in the case where the spot exchange rate fellows a time-changed fractional Brownian motion. An analytic formula for pricing European foreign currency option is proposed by a mean s elf-financing delta-hedging argument in a discrete time setting. The minimal price of a currency option under transaction costs is obtained as time-step $Delta t=left(frac{t^{beta-1}}{Gamma(beta)}right)^{-1}left(frac{2}{pi}right)^{frac{1}{2H}}left(frac{alpha}{sigma}right)^{frac{1}{H}}$ , which can be used as the actual price of an option. In addition, we also show that time-step and long-range dependence have a significant impact on option pricing.
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