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Energy of N two-dimensional bosons with zero-range interactions

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 نشر من قبل Betzalel Bazak
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We derive an integral equation describing $N$ two-dimensional bosons with zero-range interactions and solve it for the ground state energy $B_N$ by applying a stochastic diffusion Monte Carlo scheme for up to 26 particles. We confirm and go beyond the scaling $B_Npropto 8.567^N$ predicted by Hammer and Son [Phys. Rev. Lett. {bf 93}, 250408 (2004)] in the large-$N$ limit.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We perform a theoretical study into how dipole-dipole interactions modify the properties of superfluid vortices within the context of a two-dimensional atomic Bose gas of co-oriented dipoles. The reduced density at a vortex acts like a giant anti-dip ole, changing the density profile and generating an effective dipolar potential centred at the vortex core whose most slowly decaying terms go as $1/rho^2$ and $ln(rho)/rho^3$. These effects modify the vortex-vortex interaction which, in particular, becomes anisotropic for dipoles polarized in the plane. Striking modifications to vortex-vortex dynamics are demonstrated, i.e. anisotropic co-rotation dynamics and the suppression of vortex annihilation.
315 - Zhen-Kai Lu , S.I. Matveenko , 2013
We study zero sound in a weakly interacting 2D gas of single-component fermionic dipoles (polar molecules or atoms with a large magnetic moment) tilted with respect to the plane of their translational motion. It is shown that the propagation of zero sound is provided by both mean field and many-body (beyond mean field) effects, and the anisotropy of the sound velocity is the same as the one of the Fermi velocity. The damping of zero sound modes can be much slower than that of quasiparticle excitations of the same energy. One thus has wide possibilities for the observation of zero sound modes in experiments with 2D fermionic dipoles, although the zero sound peak in the structure function is very close to the particle-hole continuum.
We investigate the quantum dynamics of two bosons, trapped in a two-dimensional harmonic trap, upon quenching arbitrarily their interaction strength thereby covering the entire energy spectrum. Utilizing the exact analytical solution of the stationar y system we derive a closed analytical form of the expansion coefficients of the time-evolved two-body wavefunction, whose dynamics is determined by an expansion over the postquench eigenstates. The emergent dynamical response of the system is analyzed in detail by inspecting several observables such as the fidelity, the reduced one-body densities, the radial probability density of the relative wavefunction in both real and momentum space as well as the Tan contact unveiling the existence of short range two-body correlations. It is found that when the system is initialized in its bound state it is perturbed in the most efficient manner compared to any other initial configuration. Moreover, starting from an interacting ground state the two-boson response is enhanced for quenches towards the non-interacting limit.
We consider a homogeneous mixture of bosons and polarized fermions. We find that long-range and attractive fermion-mediated interactions between bosons have dramatic effects on the properties of the bosons. We construct the phase diagram spanned by b oson-fermion mass ratio and boson-fermion scattering parameter. It consists of stable region of mixing and unstable region toward phase separation. In stable mixing phase, the collective long-wavelength excitations can either be well-behaved with infinite lifetime or be finite in lifetime suffered from the Landau damping. We examine the effects of the induced interaction on the properties of weakly interacting bosons. It turns out that the induced interaction not only enhances the repulsion between the bosons against collapse but also enhances the stability of the superfluid state by suppressing quantum depletion.
We consider trapped bosons with contact interactions as well as Coulomb repulsion or gravitational attraction in one spatial dimension. The exact ground state energy and wave function are identified in closed form together with a rich phase diagram, unveiled by Monte Carlo methods, with crossovers between different regimes. A trapped McGuire quantum soliton describes the attractive case. Weak repulsion results in an incompressible Laughlin-like fluid with flat density, well reproduced by a Gross-Pitaevskii equation with long-range interactions. Higher repulsion induces Friedel oscillation and the eventual formation of a Wigner crystal.
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