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Scattering polarization of the $d$-states of ions and solar magnetic field: Effects of isotropic collisions

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 نشر من قبل Moncef Derouich
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Analysis of solar magnetic fields using observations as well as theoretical interpretations of the scattering polarization is commonly designated as a high priority area of the solar research. The interpretation of the observed polarization raises a serious theoretical challenge to the researchers involved in this field. In fact, realistic interpretations need detailed investigations of the depolarizing role of isotropic collisions with neutral hydrogen. The goal of this paper is to determine new relationships which allow the calculation of any collisional rates of the d-levels of ions by simply determining the value of n^* and $E_p$ without the need of determining the interaction potentials and treating the dynamics of collisions. The determination of n^* and E_p is easy and based on atomic data usually available online. Accurate collisional rates allow a reliable diagnostics of solar magnetic fields. In this work we applied our collisional FORTRAN code to a large number of cases involving complex and simple ions. After that, the results are utilized and injected in a genetic programming code developed with C-langugae in order to infer original relationships which will be of great help to solar applications. We discussed the accurarcy of our collisional rates in the cases of polarized complex atoms and atoms with hyperfine structure. The relationships are expressed on the tensorial basis and we explain how to include their contributions in the master equation giving the variation of the density matrix elements. As a test, we compared the results obtained through the general relationships provided in this work with the results obtained directly by running our code of collisions. These comparisons show a percentage of error of about 10% in the average value.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Our work is concerned with the case of the solar molecule CN which presents conspicuous profiles of scattering polarization. We start by calculating accurate PES for the singlet and triplet electronic ground states in order to characterize the collis ions between the CN molecule in its $X ; ^2Sigma$ state and the hydrogen in its ground state $^2S$. The PES are included in the Schroodinger equation to obtain the scattering matrix and the probabilities of collisions. Depolarizing collisional rate coefficients are computed in the framework of the infinite order sudden approximation for temperatures ranging from $T= 2000$ K to $T= 15000$ K. Interpretation of the results and comparison between singlet and triplet collisional rate coefficients are detailed. We show that, for typical photospheric hydrogen density ($n_{H} = 10^{15}-10^{16}$ cm$^{-3}$), the $X ; ^2Sigma$ state of CN is partially or completely depolarized by isotropic collisions.
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