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The Schouten tensor as a connection in the unfolding of 3D conformal higher-spin fields

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 نشر من قبل Roberto Bonezzi
 تاريخ النشر 2017
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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A first-order differential equation is provided for a one-form, spin-s connection valued in the two-row, width-(s-1) Young tableau of GL(5). The connection is glued to a zero-form identified with the spin-s Cotton tensor. The usual zero-Cotton equation for a symmetric, conformal spin-s tensor gauge field in 3D is the flatness condition for the sum of the GL(5) spin-s and background connections. This presentation of the equations allows to reformulate in a compact way the cohomological problem studied in 1511.07389, featuring the spin-s Schouten tensor. We provide full computational details for spin 3 and 4 and present the general spin-s case in a compact way.

قيم البحث

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Conformal geometry is studied using the unfolded formulation `a la Vasiliev. Analyzing the first-order consistency of the unfolded equations, we identify the content of zero-forms as the spin-two off-shell Fradkin-Tseytlin module of $mathfrak{so}(2,d )$. We sketch the nonlinear structure of the equations and explain how Weyl invariant densities, which Type-B Weyl anomaly consist of, could be systematically computed within the unfolded formulation. The unfolded equation for conformal geometry is also shown to be reduced to various on-shell gravitational systems by requiring additional algebraic constraints.
We study conformal higher spin (CHS) fields on constant curvature backgrounds. By employing parent formulation technique in combination with tractor description of GJMS operators we find a manifestly factorized form of the CHS wave operators for symm etric fields of arbitrary integer spin $s$ and gauge invariance of arbitrary order $tleq s$. In the case of the usual Fradkin-Tseytlin fields $t=1$ this gives a systematic derivation of the factorization formulas known in the literature while for $t>1$ the explicit formulas were not known. We also relate the gauge invariance of the CHS fields to the partially-fixed gauge invariance of the factors and show that the factors can be identified with (partially gauge-fixed) wave operators for (partially)-massless or special massive fields. As a byproduct, we establish a detailed relationship with the tractor approach and, in particular, derive the tractor form of the CHS equations and gauge symmetries.
The dynamics of higher-spin fields in braneworlds is discussed. In particular, we study fermionic and bosonic higher-spin fields in AdS_5 and their localization on branes. We find that four-dimensional zero modes exist only for spin-one fields, if th ere are no couplings to the boundaries. If boundary couplings are allowed, as in the case of the bulk graviton, all bosons acquire a zero mode irrespective of their spin. We show that there are boundary conditions for fermions, which generate chiral zero modes in the four-dimensional spectrum. We also propose a gauge invariant on-shell action with cubic interactions by adding non-minimal couplings, which depend on the Weyl tensor. In addition, consistent couplings between higher-spin fields and matter on the brane are presented. Finally, in the AdS/CFT correspondence, where bulk 5D theories on AdS are related to 4D CFTs, we explicitly discuss the holographic picture of higher-spin theories in AdS_5 with and without boundaries.
208 - D.V. Uvarov 2014
It is shown that similarly to massless superparticle, classical global symmetry of the Berkovits twistor string action is infinite-dimensional. We identify its superalgebra, whose finite-dimensional subalgebra contains $psl(4|4,mathbb R)$ superalgebr a. In quantum theory this infinite-dimensional symmetry breaks down to $SL(4|4,mathbb R)$ one.
We develop a general formalism of duality rotations for bosonic conformal spin-$s$ gauge fields, with $sgeq 2$, in a conformally flat four-dimensional spacetime. In the $s=1$ case this formalism is equivalent to the theory of $mathsf{U}(1)$ duality-i nvariant nonlinear electrodynamics developed by Gaillard and Zumino, Gibbons and Rasheed, and generalised by Ivanov and Zupnik. For each integer spin $sgeq 2$ we demonstrate the existence of families of conformal $mathsf{U}(1)$ duality-invariant models, including a generalisation of the so called ModMax Electrodynamics ($s=1$). Our bosonic results are then extended to the $mathcal{N}=1$ and $mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric cases. We also sketch a formalism of duality rotations for conformal gauge fields of Lorentz type $(m/2, n/2)$, for positive integers $m $ and $n$.
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