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Let K be a convex set in R d and let K $lambda$ be the convex hull of a homogeneous Poisson point process P $lambda$ of intensity $lambda$ on K. When K is a simple polytope, we establish scaling limits as $lambda$ $rightarrow$ $infty$ for the boundary of K $lambda$ in a vicinity of a vertex of K and we give variance asymptotics for the volume and k-face functional of K $lambda$, k $in$ {0, 1, ..., d -- 1}, resolving an open question posed in [18]. The scaling limit of the boundary of K $lambda$ and the variance asymptotics are described in terms of a germ-grain model consisting of cone-like grains pinned to the extreme points of a Poisson point process on R d--1 $times$ R having intensity $sqrt$ de dh dhdv.
Let $K_n$ be the convex hull of i.i.d. random variables distributed according to the standard normal distribution on $R^d$. We establish variance asymptotics as $n to infty$ for the re-scaled intrinsic volumes and $k$-face functionals of $K_n$, $k in
Let $K subset R^d$ be a smooth convex set and let $P_la$ be a Poisson point process on $R^d$ of intensity $la$. The convex hull of $P_la cap K$ is a random convex polytope $K_la$. As $la to infty$, we show that the variance of the number of $k$-dimen
Fix a space dimension $dge 2$, parameters $alpha > -1$ and $beta ge 1$, and let $gamma_{d,alpha, beta}$ be the probability measure of an isotropic random vector in $mathbb{R}^d$ with density proportional to begin{align*} ||x||^alpha, expleft(-frac{|x
Schreiber and Yukich [Ann. Probab. 36 (2008) 363-396] establish an asymptotic representation for random convex polytope geometry in the unit ball $mathbb{B}^d, dgeq2$, in terms of the general theory of stabilizing functionals of Poisson point process
It is proved that the distributions of scaling limits of Continuous Time Random Walks (CTRWs) solve integro-differential equations akin to Fokker-Planck Equations for diffusion processes. In contrast to previous such results, it is not assumed that t