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Stable Matching with Incomplete Information in Structured Networks

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 نشر من قبل Ying Ling
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper, we investigate stable matching in structured networks. Consider case of matching in social networks where candidates are not fully connected. A candidate on one side of the market gets acquaintance with which one on the heterogeneous side depends on the structured network. We explore four well-used structures of networks and define the social circle by the distance between each candidate. When matching within social circle, we have equilibrium distinguishes from each other since each social networks topology differs. Equilibrium changes with the change on topology of each network and it always converges to the same stable outcome as complete information algorithm if there is no block to reach anyone in agents social circle.

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Social networks have become ubiquitous in our daily life, as such it has attracted great research interests recently. A key challenge is that it is of extremely large-scale with tremendous information flow, creating the phenomenon of Big Data. Under such a circumstance, understanding information diffusion over social networks has become an important research issue. Most of the existing works on information diffusion analysis are based on either network structure modeling or empirical approach with dataset mining. However, the information diffusion is also heavily influenced by network users decisions, actions and their socio-economic connections, which is generally ignored in existing works. In this paper, we propose an evolutionary game theoretic framework to model the dynamic information diffusion process in social networks. Specifically, we analyze the framework in uniform degree and non-uniform degree networks and derive the closed-form expressions of the evolutionary stable network states. Moreover, the information diffusion over two special networks, ErdH{o}s-Renyi random network and the Barabasi-Albert scale-free network, are also highlighted. To verify our theoretical analysis, we conduct experiments by using both synthetic networks and real-world Facebook network, as well as real-world information spreading dataset of Twitter and Memetracker. Experiments shows that the proposed game theoretic framework is effective and practical in modeling the social network users information forwarding behaviors.
We study variants of the stable marriage and college admissions models in which the agents are allowed to express weak preferences over the set of agents on the other side of the market and the option of remaining unmatched. For the problems that we address, previous authors have presented polynomial-time algorithms for computing a Pareto-stable matching. In the case of college admissions, these algorithms require the preferences of the colleges over groups of students to satisfy a technical condition related to responsiveness. We design new polynomial-time Pareto-stable algorithms for stable marriage and college admissions that correspond to strategyproof mechanisms. For stable marriage, it is known that no Pareto-stable mechanism is strategyproof for all of the agents; our algorithm provides a mechanism that is strategyproof for the agents on one side of the market. For college admissions, it is known that no Pareto-stable mechanism can be strategyproof for the colleges; our algorithm provides a mechanism that is strategyproof for the students.
Recently, we introduced in arXiv:1105.2434 a model for product adoption in social networks with multiple products, where the agents, influenced by their neighbours, can adopt one out of several alternatives. We identify and analyze here four types of paradoxes that can arise in these networks. To this end, we use social network games that we recently introduced in arxiv:1202.2209. These paradoxes shed light on possible inefficiencies arising when one modifies the sets of products available to the agents forming a social network. One of the paradoxes corresponds to the well-known Braess paradox in congestion games and shows that by adding more choices to a node, the network may end up in a situation that is worse for everybody. We exhibit a dual version of this, where removing available choices from someone can eventually make everybody better off. The other paradoxes that we identify show that by adding or removing a product from the choice set of some node may lead to permanent instability. Finally, we also identify conditions under which some of these paradoxes cannot arise.
Many two-sided matching markets, from labor markets to school choice programs, use a clearinghouse based on the applicant-proposing deferred acceptance algorithm, which is well known to be strategy-proof for the applicants. Nonetheless, a growing amo unt of empirical evidence reveals that applicants misrepresent their preferences when this mechanism is used. This paper shows that no mechanism that implements a stable matching is obviously strategy-proof for any side of the market, a stronger incentive property than strategy-proofness that was introduced by Li (2017). A stable mechanism that is obviously strategy-proof for applicants is introduced for the case in which agents on the other side have acyclical preferences.
467 - Xiaochuan Zhao , Sheng-Yuan Tu , 2011
Adaptive networks rely on in-network and collaborative processing among distributed agents to deliver enhanced performance in estimation and inference tasks. Information is exchanged among the nodes, usually over noisy links. The combination weights that are used by the nodes to fuse information from their neighbors play a critical role in influencing the adaptation and tracking abilities of the network. This paper first investigates the mean-square performance of general adaptive diffusion algorithms in the presence of various sources of imperfect information exchanges, quantization errors, and model non-stationarities. Among other results, the analysis reveals that link noise over the regression data modifies the dynamics of the network evolution in a distinct way, and leads to biased estimates in steady-state. The analysis also reveals how the network mean-square performance is dependent on the combination weights. We use these observations to show how the combination weights can be optimized and adapted. Simulation results illustrate the theoretical findings and match well with theory.
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