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Accurate PSF-matched photometry and photometric redshifts for the Extreme Deep Field with the Chebyshev-Fourier functions

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 نشر من قبل Yolanda Jim\\'enez-Teja
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Y. Jimenez-Teja

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Photometric redshifts, which have become the cornerstone of several of the largest astronomical surveys like PanStarrs, DES, J-PAS or the LSST, require precise measurements of galaxy photometry in different bands using a consistent physical aperture. This is not trivial, due to the variation in the shape and width of the Point Spread Function (PSF) introduced by wavelength differences, instrument positions and atmospheric conditions. Current methods to correct for this effect rely on a detailed knowledge of the PSF characteristics as a function of the survey coordinates, which can be difficult due to the relative paucity of stars tracking the PSF behaviour. Here we show that it is possible to measure accurate, consistent multicolour photometry without knowing the shape of PSF. The Chebyshev-Fourier Functions (CHEFs) can fit the observed profile of each object and produce high signal-to-noise integrated flux measurements unaffected by the PSF. These total fluxes, which encompass all the galaxy populations, are much more useful for Galaxy Evolution studies than aperture photometry. We compare the total magnitudes and colours obtained using our software to traditional photometry with SExtractor, using real data from the COSMOS survey and the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. We also apply the CHEFs technique to the recently published Extreme Deep Field and compare the results to those from ColorPro on the HUDF. We produce a photometric catalogue with 35732 sources (10823 with S/N>5), reaching a photometric redshift precision of 2% due to the extraordinary depth and wavelength coverage of the XDF images.

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Context. Studies of galaxy pairs can provide valuable information to jointly understand the formation and evolution of galaxies and galaxy groups. Consequently, taking into account the new high precision photo-z surveys, it is important to have relia ble and tested methods that allow us to properly identify these systems and estimate their total masses and other properties. Aims. In view of the forthcoming Physics of the Accelerating Universe Survey (PAUS) we propose and evaluate the performance of an identification algorithm of projected close isolated galaxy pairs. We expect that the photometric selected systems can adequately reproduce the observational properties and the inferred lensing mass - luminosity relation of a pair of truly bound galaxies that are hosted by the same dark matter halo. Methods. We develop an identification algorithm that considers the projected distance between the galaxies, the projected velocity difference and an isolation criteria in order to restrict the sample to isolated systems. We apply our identification algorithm using a mock galaxy catalog that mimics the features of PAUS. To evaluate the feasibility of our pair finder, we compare the identified photometric samples with a test sample that considers that both members are included in the same halo. Also, taking advantage of the lensing properties provided by the mock catalog, we apply a weak lensing analysis to determine the mass of the selected systems. Results. Photometric selected samples tend to show high purity values, but tend to misidentify truly bounded pairs as the photometric redshift errors increase. Nevertheless, overall properties such as the luminosity and mass distributions are successfully reproduced. We also accurately reproduce the lensing mass - luminosity relation as expected for galaxy pairs located in the same halo.
Measuring environment for large numbers of distant galaxies is still an open problem, for which we need galaxy positions and redshifts. Photometric redshifts are more easily available for large numbers of galaxies, but at the price of larger uncertai nties than spectroscopic ones. In this work we study how photometric redshifts affect the measurement of galaxy environment and how this may limit an analysis of the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) in different environments. Using mock galaxy catalogues, we measured the environment with a fixed aperture method, using each galaxys true and photometric redshifts. We varied the fixed aperture volume parameters and the photometric redshift uncertainties. We then computed GSMF as a function of redshift and environment. We found that only when using high-precision photometric redshifts with $sigma_{Delta z/(1+z)} le 0.01$, the most extreme environments can be reconstructed in a fairly accurate way, with a fraction $ge 60div 80%$ of galaxies placed in the correct density quartile and a contamination of $le 10%$ by opposite quartile interlopers. A volume height comparable to the $pm 1.5sigma$ error of photometric redshifts grants a better reconstruction than other volume configurations. When using such an environmental measure, we found that any differences between the starting GSMF (divided accordingly to the true galaxy environment) will be damped on average of $sim 0.3$ dex when using photometric redshifts, but will be still resolvable. These results may be used to interpret real data as we obtained them in a way that is fairly independent from how well the mock catalogues reproduce the real galaxy distribution. This work represents a preparatory study for future wide area photometric redshift surveys such as the Euclid Survey and we plan to apply these results to an analysis of the GSMF in the UltraVISTA Survey in future work.
The Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey has performed a multi-epoch near-infrared imaging of the inner Galactic plane. High-fidelity photometric catalogs are needed to utilize the data. We aim at producing a deep, point-spread-function (PS F) photometric catalog for the VVV survey J, H, and Ks band data. Specifically, we aim at taking advantage of all the epochs of the survey to reach high limiting magnitudes. We develop an automatic PSF-fitting pipeline based on the DaoPHOT algorithm and perform photometry on the stacked VVV images in J, H, and Ks bands. We present a PSF photometric catalog in the Vega system that contains about 926 million sources in the J, H, and Ks filters. About 10% of the sources are flagged as possible spurious detections. The 5 sigma limiting magnitudes of the sources with high reliability are about 20.8, 19.5, and 18.7 mag in the J, H, and Ks band, respectively, depending on the local crowding condition. Our photometric catalog reaches on average about one magnitude deeper than the previously released PSF DoPHOT photometric catalog. It also includes less spurious detections. There are significant differences in the brightnesses of faint sources between our catalog and the previously released one. The likely origin of these differences is in the different photometric algorithms that are utilized; it is not straightforward to assess which catalog is more accurate in which situations. Our new catalog is beneficial especially for science goals that require high limiting magnitudes; our catalog reaches such in fields that have a relatively uniform source number density. Overall, the limiting magnitudes and completeness are different in the fields with different crowding conditions.
184 - Patrick L. Kelly 2012
We present improved methods for using stars found in astronomical exposures to calibrate both star and galaxy colors as well as to adjust the instrument flat field. By developing a spectroscopic model for the SDSS stellar locus in color-color space, synthesizing an expected stellar locus, and simultaneously solving for all unknown zeropoints when fitting to the instrumental locus, we increase the calibration accuracy of stellar locus matching. We also use a new combined technique to estimate improved flat-field models for the Subaru SuprimeCam camera, forming `star flats based on the magnitudes of stars observed in multiple positions or through comparison with available SDSS magnitudes. These techniques yield galaxy magnitudes with reliable color calibration (< 0.01 - 0.02 mag accuracy) that enable us to estimate photometric redshift probability distributions without spectroscopic training samples. We test the accuracy of our photometric redshifts using spectroscopic redshifts z_s for ~5000 galaxies in 27 cluster fields with at least five bands of photometry, as well as galaxies in the COSMOS field, finding sigma((z_p - z_s)/(1 + z_s)) ~ 0.03 for the most probable redshift z_p. We show that the full posterior probability distributions for the redshifts of galaxies with five-band photometry exhibit good agreement with redshifts estimated from thirty-band photometry in the COSMOS field. The growth of shear with increasing distance behind each galaxy cluster shows the expected redshift-distance relation for a flat Lambda-CDM cosmology. Photometric redshifts and calibrated colors are used in subsequent papers to measure the masses of 51 galaxy clusters from their weak gravitational shear. We make our Python code for stellar locus matching available at http://big-macs-calibrate.googlecode.com; the code requires only a catalog and filter functions.
132 - G. Yang , Y. Q. Xue , B. Luo 2014
We derive photometric redshifts (zp) for sources in the entire ($sim0.4$ deg$^2$) Hawaii-Hubble Deep Field-North (hdfn) field with the EAzY code, based on point spread function-matched photometry of 15 broad bands from the ultraviolet (bandu~band) to mid-infrared (IRAC 4.5 $mu$m). Our catalog consists of a total of 131,678 sources. We evaluate the zp~quality by comparing zp~with spectroscopic redshifts (zs) when available, and find a value of normalized median absolute deviation sigm$=$0.029 and an outlier fraction of 5.5% (outliers are defined as sources having $rm |zp - zs|/(1+zs) > 0.15$) for non-X-ray sources. More specifically, we obtain sigm$=0.024$ with 2.7% outliers for sources brighter than $R=23$~mag, sigm$=0.035$ with 7.4% outliers for sources fainter than $R=23$~mag, sigm$=$0.026 with 3.9% outliers for sources having $z<1$, and sigm$=$0.034 with 9.0% outliers for sources having $z>1$. Our zp quality shows an overall improvement over an earlier zp work that focused only on the central hdfn area. We also classify each object as star or galaxy through template spectral energy distribution fitting and complementary morphological parametrization, resulting in 4959 stars and 126,719 galaxies. Furthermore, we match our catalog with the 2~Ms {it Chandra} Deep Field-North main xray~catalog. For the 462 matched non-stellar xray~sources (281 having zs), we improve their zp~quality by adding three additional AGN templates, achieving sigm$=0.035$ and an outlier fraction of 12.5%. We make our catalog publicly available presenting both photometry and zp, and provide guidance on how to make use of our catalog.
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