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Combinatorial higher dimensional isoperimetry and divergence

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 نشر من قبل Jason Behrstock
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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In this paper we provide a framework for the study of isoperimetric problems in finitely generated group, through a combinatorial study of universal covers of compact simplicial complexes. We show that, when estimating filling functions, one can restrict to simplicial spheres of particular shapes, called round and unfolded, provided that a bounded quasi-geodesic combing exists. We prove that the problem of estimating higher dimensional divergence as well can be restricted to round spheres. Applications of these results include a combinatorial analogy of the Federer--Fleming inequality for finitely generated groups, the construction of examples of $CAT(0)$--groups with higher dimensional divergence equivalent to $x^d$ for every degree d [arXiv:1305.2994], and a proof of the fact that for bi-combable groups the filling function above the quasi-flat rank is asymptotically linear [Behrstock-Drutu].

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In this paper we investigate the higher dimensional divergence functions of mapping class groups of surfaces and of CAT(0)--groups. We show that, for mapping class groups of surfaces, these functions exhibit phase transitions at the rank (as measured by thrice the genus plus the number of punctures minus 3). We also provide inductive constructions of CAT(0)--spaces with co-compact group actions, for which the divergence below the rank is (exactly) a polynomial function of our choice, with degree arbitrarily large compared to the dimension.
In 1983 Culler and Shalen established a way to construct essential surfaces in a 3-manifold from ideal points of the $SL_2$-character variety associated to the 3-manifold group. We present in this article an analogous construction of certain kinds of branched surfaces (which we call essential tribranched surfaces) from ideal points of the $SL_n$-character variety for a natural number $n$ greater than or equal to 3. Further we verify that such a branched surface induces a nontrivial presentation of the 3-manifold group in terms of the fundamental group of a certain 2-dimensional complex of groups.
In this paper we explore relationships between divergence and thick groups, and with the same techniques we estimate lengths of shortest conjugators. We produce examples, for every positive integer n, of CAT(0) groups which are thick of order n and w ith polynomial divergence of order n+1, both these phenomena are new. With respect to thickness, these examples show the non-triviality at each level of the thickness hierarchy defined by Behrstock-Drutu-Mosher. With respect to divergence our examples resolve questions of Gromov and Gersten (the divergence questions were also recently and independently answered by Macura. We also provide general tools for obtaining both lower and upper bounds on the divergence of geodesics and spaces, and we give the definitive lower bound for Morse geodesics in the CAT(0) spaces, generalizing earlier results of Kapovich-Leeb and Bestvina-Fujiwara. In the final section, we turn to the question of bounding the length of the shortest conjugators in several interesting classes of groups. We obtain linear and quadratic bounds on such lengths for classes of groups including 3-manifold groups and mapping class groups (the latter gives new proofs of corresponding results of Masur-Minsky in the pseudo-Anosov case and Tao in the reducible case).
We study relations between maps between relatively hyperbolic groups/spaces and quasisymmetric embeddings between their boundaries. More specifically, we establish a correspondence between (not necessarily coarsely surjective) quasi-isometric embeddi ngs between relatively hyperbolic groups/spaces that coarsely respect peripherals, and quasisymmetric embeddings between their boundaries satisfying suitable conditions. Further, we establish a similar correspondence regarding maps with at most polynomial distortion. We use this to characterise groups which are hyperbolic relative to some collection of virtually nilpotent subgroups as exactly those groups which admit an embedding into a truncated real hyperbolic space with at most polynomial distortion, generalising a result of Bonk and Schramm for hyperbolic groups.
We investigate the geometry of the graphs of nonseparating curves for surfaces of finite positive genus with potentially infinitely many punctures. This graph has infinite diameter and is known to be Gromov hyperbolic by work of the author. We study finite covers between such surfaces and show that lifts of nonseparating curves to the nonseparating curve graph of the cover span quasiconvex subgraphs which are infinite diameter and not coarsely equal to the nonseparating curve graph of the cover. In the finite type case, we also reprove a theorem of Hamenst{a}dt identifying the Gromov boundary with the space of ending laminations on full genus subsurfaces. We introduce several tools based around the analysis of bicorn curves and laminations which may be of independent interest for studying the geometry of nonseparating curve graphs of infinite type surfaces and their boundaries.
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