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Identifiability and Global Stability Analysis on Some Partial Differential Algebraic System

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 نشر من قبل Yushan Jiang
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We analysis some singular partial differential equations systems(PDAEs) with boundary conditions in high dimension bounded domain with sufficiently smooth boundary. With the eigenvalue theory of PDE the systems initially is formulated as an infinite-dimensional singular systems. The state space description of the system is built according to the spectrum structure and convergence analysis of the PDAEs. Some global stability results are provided. The applicability of the proposed approach is evaluated in numerical simulations on some wetland conservation system with social behaviour.

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With human social behaviors influence, some boyciana-fish reaction-diffusion system coupled with elliptic human distribution equation is considered. Firstly, under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions and ratio-dependent functional response the sy stem can be described as a nonlinear partial differential algebraic equations (PDAEs) and the corresponding linearized system is discussed with singular system theorem. In what follows we discuss the elliptic subsystem and show that the three kinds of nonnegative are corresponded to three different human interference conditions: human free, overdevelopment and regular human activity. Next we examine the system persistence properties: absorbtion region and the stability of positive steady states of three systems. And the diffusion-driven unstable property is also discussed. Moreover, we propose some energy estimation discussion to reveal the dynamic property among the boyciana-fish-human interaction systems.Finally, using the realistic data collected in the past fourteen years, by PDAEs model parameter optimization, we carry out some predicted results about wetland boyciana population. The applicability of the proposed approaches are confirmed analytically and are evaluated in numerical simulations.
Dynamical systems that are subject to continuous uncertain fluctuations can be modelled using Stochastic Differential Equations (SDEs). Controlling such systems results in solving path constrained SDEs. Broadly, these problems fall under the category of Stochastic Differential-Algebraic Equations (SDAEs). In this article, the focus is on combining ideas from the local theory of Differential-Algebraic Equations with that of Stochastic Differential Equations. The question of existence and uniqueness of the solution for SDAEs is addressed by using contraction mapping theorem in an appropriate Banach space to arrive at a sufficient condition. From the geometric point of view, a necessary condition is derived for the existence of the solution. It is observed that there exists a class of high index SDAEs for which there is no solution. Hence, computational methods to find approximate solution of high index equations are presented. The techniques are illustrated in form of algorithms with examples and numerical computations.
The impasse surface is an important concept in the differential-algebraic equation (DAE) model of power systems, which is associated with short-term voltage collapse. This paper establishes a necessary condition for a system trajectory hitting the im passe surface. The condition is in terms of admittance matrices regarding the power network, generators and loads, which specifies the pattern of interaction between those system components that can induce voltage collapse. It applies to generic DAE models featuring high-order synchronous generators, static load components, induction motors and a lossy power network. We also identify a class of static load parameters that prevents power systems from hitting the impasse surface; this proves a conjecture made by Hiskens that has been unsolved for decades. Moreover, the obtained results lead to an early indicator of voltage collapse and a novel viewpoint that inductive compensation has a positive effect on preventing short-term voltage collapse, which are verified via numerical simulations.
This paper considers dynamic networks where vertices and edges represent manifest signals and causal dependencies among the signals, respectively. We address the problem of how to determine if the dynamics of a network can be identified when only par tial vertices are measured and excited. A necessary condition for network identifiability is presented, where the analysis is performed based on identifying the dependency of a set of rational functions from excited vertices to measured ones. This condition is further characterised by using an edge-removal procedure on the associated bipartite graph. Moreover, on the basis of necessity analysis, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for identifiability in circular networks.
In this paper, we introduce the concept of Developmental Partial Differential Equation (DPDE), which consists of a Partial Differential Equation (PDE) on a time-varying manifold with complete coupling between the PDE and the manifolds evolution. In o ther words, the manifolds evolution depends on the solution to the PDE, and vice versa the differential operator of the PDE depends on the manifolds geometry. DPDE is used to study a diffusion equation with source on a growing surface whose growth depends on the intensity of the diffused quantity. The surface may, for instance, represent the membrane of an egg chamber and the diffused quantity a protein activating a signaling pathway leading to growth. Our main objective is to show controllability of the surface shape using a fixed source with variable intensity for the diffusion. More specifically, we look for a control driving a symmetric manifold shape to any other symmetric shape in a given time interval. For the diffusion we take directly the Laplace-Beltrami operator of the surface, while the surface growth is assumed to be equal to the value of the diffused quantity. We introduce a theoretical framework, provide approximate controllability and show numerical results. Future applications include a specific model for the oogenesis of Drosophila melanogaster.
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