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Neutralinos and Sleptons at the LHC in Light of Muon $(g-2)_{mu}$

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 نشر من قبل Tathagata Ghosh
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the muon $(g-2)_{mu}$ anomaly in light of neutralino dark matter and the LHC. We scan the MSSM parameters relevant to $(g-2)_{mu}$ and focus on three distinct cases with different neutralino compositions. We find that the 2$sigma$ range of $(g-2)_{mu}$ requires the smuon ($tilde{mu}_1$) to be lighter than $sim$ 500 (1000) GeV for $tan beta=10,(50)$. Correspondingly the two lightest neutralinos, $tilde{chi}_{1}^0, tilde{chi}_{2}^0$, have to be lighter than $sim$ 300 (650) GeV and 900 (1000) GeV respectively. We explore the prospects of searching the light smuon and neutralinos at the LHC, in conjunction with constraints arising from indirect dark matter (DM) detection experiments. The upcoming run of the LHC will be able to set $95%$ CL exclusion limit on $M_{tilde{chi}_{2}^0}$ ($sim 475 - 1300$ GeV) and $m_{tilde{l}}$ ($sim 670-775$ GeV) with $M_{tilde{chi}_{1}^0} sim 100-250$ GeV at 3000 fb$^{-1}$ luminosity in multi-lepton + missing energy channel.

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اقرأ أيضاً

In view of the latest LEP data we consider the effects of charginos and neutralinos on the two-photon and bbbar signatures of the Higgs at the LHC. Assuming the usual GUT inspired relation between M_1 and M_2 we show that there are only small regions with moderate tanbeta and large stop mixings that may be dangerous. Pathological models not excluded by LEP which have degeneracy between the sneutrino and the chargino are however a real danger because of large branching fraction of the Higgs into invisibles. We have also studied models where the gaugino masses are not unified at the GUT scale. We take M_1=M_2/10 as an example where large reductions in the signal at the LHC can occur. However we argue that such models with a very light neutralino LSP may give a too large relic density unless the sleptons are light. We then combine this cosmological constraint with neutralino production with light sfermions to further reduce the parameter space that precludes observability of the Higgs at the LHC. We still find regions of parameter space where the drops in the usual Higgs signals at the LHC can be drastic. Nonetheless, in such scenarios where Higgs may escape detection we show that one should be able to produce all charginos and neutralinos. Although the heavier of these could cascade into the Higgs, the rates are not too high and the Higgs may not always be recovered this way.
The discrepancy between the measured value and the Standard Model prediction for the muon anomalous magnetic moment is one of the important issues in the particle physics. In this paper, we consider a two Higgs doublet model (2HDM) where the extra Hi ggs doublet couples to muon and tau in lepton flavor violating (LFV) way and the one-loop correction involving the scalars largely contributes to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. The couplings should be sizable to explain the discrepancy, so that the extra Higgs bosons would dominantly decay into $mutau$ LFV modes, which makes the model testable at the LHC through multi-lepton signatures even though they are produced via the electroweak interaction. We discuss the current status and the future prospect for the extra Higgs searches at the LHC, and demonstrate the reconstruction of the mass spectrum using the multi-lepton events.
120 - Andreas Nyffeler 2017
We briefly review the current status of the hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. Based on various model calculations in the literature, we obtain the estimate a_{mu}^{HLbL} = (102 pm 39) x 10^{ -11}. Recent developments including more model-independent approaches using dispersion relations and lattice QCD, that could lead to a more reliable estimate, are also discussed.
Supersymmetric models with sub-TeV charginos and sleptons have been a candidate for the origin of the long-standing discrepancy in the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g-2). By gathering all the available LHC Run 2 results, we investigate the latest L HC constraints on models that explain the anomaly by their chargino contribution to the muon g-2. It is shown that the parameter regions where sleptons are lighter than charginos are strongly disfavored. In contrast, we find that the models with $m_{tilde{mu}_{mathrm L}}gtrsim m_{{tildechi}^{pm}_1}$ are still widely allowed, where the lighter chargino dominantly decays into a W-boson and a neutralino.
In this talk we review the recent progress on the numerical determination of the Hadronic Light-by-Light contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and we discuss the role of experimental data on the accuracy of its determination. Spec ial emphasis on the main contribution, the pseudoscalar piece, is made. Gathering recent progress in the light-by-light scattering contribution we consider $a_{mu}^{{mathrm{HLBL}}} = (12.1pm3.0)times10^{-10}$ as a good summary of the state-of-the-art calculations which still claims for a $4sigma$ deviation between theory and experiment for the $(g-2)_{mu}$.
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