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Difference image analysis: The interplay between the photometric scale factor and systematic photometric errors

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Bramich
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Context: Understanding the source of systematic errors in photometry is essential for their calibration. Aims: We investigate how photometry performed on difference images can be influenced by errors in the photometric scale factor. Methods: We explore the equations for difference image analysis (DIA) and we derive an expression describing how errors in the difference flux, the photometric scale factor and the reference flux are propagated to the object photometry. Results: We find that the error in the photometric scale factor is important, and while a few studies have shown that it can be at a significant level, it is currently neglected by the vast majority of photometric surveys employing DIA. Conclusions: Minimising the error in the photometric scale factor, or compensating for it in a post-calibration model, is crucial for reducing the systematic errors in DIA photometry.

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We investigate the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) photometry from Data Release 8 (DR8) in the search for systematic trends that still exist after the calibration effort of Padmanabhan et al. We consider both the aperture and point-spread function (P SF) magnitudes in DR8. Using the objects with repeat observations, we find that a large proportion of the aperture magnitudes suffer a ~0.2-2% systematic trend as a function of PSF full-width half-maximum (FWHM), the amplitude of which increases for fainter objects. Analysis of the PSF magnitudes reveals more complicated systematic trends of similar amplitude as a function of PSF FWHM and object brightness. We suspect that sky over-subtraction is the cause of the largest amplitude trends as a function of PSF FWHM. We also detect systematic trends as a function of subpixel coordinates for the PSF magnitudes with peak-to-peak amplitudes of ~1.6 mmag and ~4-7 mmag for the over- and under-sampled images, respectively. We note that the systematic trends are similar in amplitude to the reported ~1% and ~2% precision of the SDSS photometry in the griz and u wavebands, respectively, and therefore their correction has the potential to substantially improve the SDSS photometric precision. We provide an {tt IDL} program specifically for this purpose. Finally, we note that the SDSS aperture and PSF magnitude scales are related by a non-linear transformation that departs from linearity by ~1-4%, which, without correction, invalidates the application of a photometric calibration model derived from the aperture magnitudes to the PSF magnitudes, as has been done for SDSS DR8.
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The Difference Image Analysis (DIA) of the images obtained by the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE-II) revealed a peculiar artifact in the sample of stars proposed as variable by Wozniak (2000) in one of the Galactic bulge fields: the o ccurrence of pairs of candidate variables showing anti-correlated light curves monotonic over a period of 3 years. This effect can be understood, quantified and related to the stellar proper motions. DIA photometry supplemented with a simple model offers an effective and easy way to detect high proper motion stars (HPM stars) in very dense stellar fields, where conventional astrometric searches are extremely inefficient.
Cosmology with Type Ia supernovae heretofore has required extensive spectroscopic follow-up to establish a redshift. Though tolerable at the present discovery rate, the next generation of ground-based all-sky survey instruments will render this appro ach unsustainable. Photometry-based redshift determination is a viable alternative, but introduces non-negligible errors that ultimately degrade the ability to discriminate between competing cosmologies. We present a strictly template-based photometric redshift estimator and compute redshift reconstruction errors in the presence of photometry and statistical errors. With reasonable assumptions for a cadence and supernovae distribution, these redshift errors are combined with systematic errors and propagated using the Fisher matrix formalism to derive lower bounds on the joint errors in $Omega_w$ and $Omega_w$ relevant to the next generation of ground-based all-sky survey.
This paper presents the characterization of the optical range of the ALHAMBRA photometric system, a 20 contiguous, equal-width, medium-band CCD system with wavelength coverage from 3500A to 9700A. The photometric description of the system is done by presenting the full response curve as a product of the filters, CCD and atmospheric transmission curves, and using some first and second order moments of this response function. We also introduce the set of standard stars that defines the system, formed by 31 classic spectrophotometric standard stars which have been used in the calibration of other known photometric systems, and 288 stars, flux calibrated homogeneously, from the Next Generation Spectral Library (NGSL). Based on the NGSL, we determine the transformation equations between Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) ugriz photometry and the ALHAMBRA photometric system, in order to establish some relations between both systems. Finally we develop and discuss a strategy to calculate the photometric zero points of the different pointings in the ALHAMBRA project.
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