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The Galactic Transient Sky with Swift

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 نشر من قبل Jamie Kennea
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Jamie A. Kennea

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The unique capabilities of Swift that make it ideal for discovery and follow-up of Gamma-Ray bursts also makes it the idea mission for discovery and monitoring of X-ray Transients in the Milky Way and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The Burst Alert Telescope allows for detection of new transient outbursts, the automated follow-up capabilities of Swift allow for rapid observation and localization of the new transient in X-rays and optical/UV bands, and Swifts rapid slewing capabilities allows for low-overhead short observations to be obtained, opening up the possibility of regular, sensitive, long term monitoring of transient outbursts that are not possible with other currently operational X-ray missions. In this paper I describe the methods of discovery of X-ray transients utilizing Swifts BAT and also collaboration with the MAXI telescope. I also detail two examples of X-ray transient science enabled by Swift: Swift discovery and monitoring observations of MAXI J1659-152, a Black Hole candidate Low Mass X-ray Binary in the Galactic Halo, which has the shortest known orbital period of any such system; and Swift monitoring of IGR J00569-7226, an edge on Be/X-ray binary that displayed a outburst in 2013 and 2014, and which monitoring by Swift allowed for detection of dips, eclipses and the determination of the orbital parameters, utilizing a measurement of doppler shifts in the pulsar period.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

54 - L. Corrales , B. Mon , D. Haggard 2017
We report the detection of a dust scattering halo around a recently discovered X-ray transient, Swift J174540.7-290015, which in early February of 2016 underwent one of the brightest outbursts (F_X ~ 5e-10 erg/cm^2/s) observed from a compact object i n the Galactic Center field. We analyze four Chandra images that were taken as follow-up observations to Swift discoveries of new Galactic Center transients. After adjusting our spectral extraction for the effects of detector pileup, we construct a point spread function for each observation and compare it to the GC field before the outburst. We find residual surface brightness around Swift J174540.7-290015, which has a shape and temporal evolution consistent with the behavior expected from X-rays scattered by foreground dust. We examine the spectral properties of the source, which shows evidence that the object transitioned from a soft to hard spectral state as it faded below L_X ~ 1e36 erg/s. This behavior is consistent with the hypothesis that the object is a low mass X-ray binary in the Galactic Center.
We report on a search for radio transients at 340 MHz with the Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) Low band Ionospheric and Transient Experiment (VLITE). Between 2015 July 29 and 2015 September 27, operating in commensal mode, VLITE imaged approximately 28 00 pointings covering 12,000 deg$^2$ on the sky, sampling timescales ranging from tens of seconds to several hours on a daily basis. In addition, between 2015 February 25 and 2015 May 9, VLITE observed 55 epochs of roughly 2-4 hours each toward the COSMOS field. Using existing radio source catalogs we have searched all the daily VLITE images for transients, while for the COSMOS field we compared individual images and the summed image to search for new sources in repeated observations of the same field. The wide range of timescales makes VLITE sensitive to both coherent and incoherent transient source classes. No new transients are found, allowing us to set stringent upper limits on transients at milliJansky levels and at low frequencies where comparatively few such surveys have been carried out to date. An all-sky isotropic rate of bursting radio transients with similar rates, duration, and intensity as the unusual transient GCRT J1745$-$3009, discovered in wide-field monitoring toward the Galactic center, is ruled out with high confidence. The resulting non-detections allows us to argue that this is a coherent source, whose properties most resemble the growing class of nulling pulsars. We end with a discussion of the future prospects for the detection of transients by VLITE and other experiments.
The Swift/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) hard X-ray transient monitor provides near real-time coverage of the X-ray sky in the energy range 15-50 keV. The BAT observes 88% of the sky each day with a detection sensitivity of 5.3 mCrab for a full-day obse rvation and a time resolution as fine as 64 seconds. The three main purposes of the monitor are (1) the discovery of new transient X-ray sources, (2) the detection of outbursts or other changes in the flux of known X-ray sources, and (3) the generation of light curves of more than 900 sources spanning over eight years. The primary interface for the BAT transient monitor is a public web page. Between 2005 February 12 and 2013 April 30, 245 sources have been detected in the monitor, 146 of them persistent and 99 detected only in outburst. Among these sources, 17 were previously unknown and were discovered in the transient monitor. In this paper, we discuss the methodology and the data processing and filtering for the BAT transient monitor and review its sensitivity and exposure. We provide a summary of the source detections and classify them according to the variability of their light curves. Finally, we review all new BAT monitor discoveries; for the new sources that are previously unpublished, we present basic data analysis and interpretations.
Searches for optical transients are usually performed with a cadence of days to weeks, optimised for supernova discovery. The optical fast transient sky is still largely unexplored, with only a few surveys to date having placed meaningful constraints on the detection of extragalactic transients evolving at sub-hour timescales. Here, we present the results of deep searches for dim, minute-timescale extragalactic fast transients using the Dark Energy Camera, a core facility of our all-wavelength and all-messenger Deeper, Wider, Faster programme. We used continuous 20s exposures to systematically probe timescales down to 1.17 minutes at magnitude limits $g > 23$ (AB), detecting hundreds of transient and variable sources. Nine candidates passed our strict criteria on duration and non-stellarity, all of which could be classified as flare stars based on deep multi-band imaging. Searches for fast radio burst and gamma-ray counterparts during simultaneous multi-facility observations yielded no counterparts to the optical transients. Also, no long-term variability was detected with pre-imaging and follow-up observations using the SkyMapper optical telescope. We place upper limits for minute-timescale fast optical transient rates for a range of depths and timescales. Finally, we demonstrate that optical $g$-band light curve behaviour alone cannot discriminate between confirmed extragalactic fast transients such as prompt GRB flashes and Galactic stellar flares.
The H.E.S.S. experiment is an array of four imaging Cherenkov telescopes located in the Khomas Highlands of Namibia. It has been operating in its full configuration since December 2003 and detects very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays ranging from 100 Ge V to 50 TeV. Since 2004, the continuous observation of the Galactic Plane by the H.E.S.S. array of telescopes has yielded the discovery of more than 50 sources, belonging to the classes of pulsar wind nebulae (PWN), supernova remnants (SNR), gamma ray binaries and, more recently, a stellar cluster and molecular clouds in the vicinity of shell-type SNRs. Galactic emission seen by H.E.S.S. and its implications for particle acceleration in our Galaxy are discussed.
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