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Fundamental limits to optical response in absorptive systems

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 نشر من قبل Owen Miller
 تاريخ النشر 2015
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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At visible and infrared frequencies, metals show tantalizing promise for strong subwavelength resonances, but material loss typically dampens the response. We derive fundamental limits to the optical response of absorptive systems, bounding the largest enhancements possible given intrinsic material losses. Through basic conservation-of-energy principles, we derive geometry-independent limits to per-volume absorption and scattering rates, and to local-density-of-states enhancements that represent the power radiated or expended by a dipole near a material body. We provide examples of structures that approach our absorption and scattering limits at any frequency, by contrast, we find that common antenna structures fall far short of our radiative LDOS bounds, suggesting the possibility for significant further improvement. Underlying the limits is a simple metric, $|chi|^2 / operatorname{Im} chi$ for a material with susceptibility $chi$, that enables broad technological evaluation of lossy materials across optical frequencies.

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Increasing the refractive index available for optical and nanophotonic systems opens new vistas for design: for applications ranging from broadband metalenses to ultrathin photovoltaics to high-quality-factor resonators, higher index directly leads t o better devices with greater functionality. Although standard transparent materials have been limited to refractive indices smaller than 3 in the visible, recent metamaterials designs have achieved refractive indices above 5, accompanied by high losses, and near the phase transition of a ferroelectric perovskite a broadband index above 26 has been claimed. In this work, we derive fundamental limits to the refractive index of any material, given only the underlying electron density and either the maximum allowable dispersion or the minimum bandwidth of interest. The Kramers--Kronig relations provide a representation for any passive (and thereby causal) material, and a well-known sum rule constrains the possible distribution of oscillator strengths. In the realm of small to modest dispersion, our bounds are closely approached and not surpassed by a wide range of natural materials, showing that nature has already nearly reached a Pareto frontier for refractive index and dispersion. Surprisingly, our bound shows a cube-root dependence on electron density, meaning that a refractive index of 26 over all visible frequencies is likely impossible. Conversely, for narrow-bandwidth applications, nature does not provide the highly dispersive, high-index materials that our bounds suggest should be possible. We use the theory of composites to identify metal-based metamaterials that can exhibit small losses and sizeable increases in refractive index over the current best materials.
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