ﻻ يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
Recent progress in lattice QCD calculations of nucleon structure will be presented. Calculations of nucleon matrix elements and form factors have long been difficult to reconcile with experiment, but with advances in both methodology and computing resources, this situation is improving. Some calculations have produced agreement with experiment for key observables such as the axial charge and electromagnetic form factors, and the improved understanding of systematic errors will help to increase confidence in predictions of unmeasured quantities. The long-omitted disconnected contributions are now seeing considerable attention and some recent calculations of them will be discussed.
Study of the hadronic matrix elements can provide not only tests of the QCD sector of the Standard Model (in comparing with existing experiments) but also reliable low-energy hadronic quantities applicable to a wide range of beyond-the-Standard Model
The structure of neutrons, protons, and other strongly interacting particles is now being calculated in full, unquenched lattice QCD with quark masses entering the chiral regime. This talk describes selected examples, including the nucleon axial char
This work presents the first calculation in lattice QCD of three moments of spin-averaged and spin-polarized generalized parton distributions in the proton. It is shown that the slope of the associated generalized form factors decreases significantly
Systems with the quantum numbers of up to twelve charged and neutral pseudoscalar mesons, as well as one-, two-, and three-nucleon systems, are studied using dynamical lattice quantum chromodynamics and quantum electrodynamics (QCD+QED) calculations
We report the first Lattice QCD calculation using the almost physical pion mass mpi=149 MeV that agrees with experiment for four fundamental isovector observables characterizing the gross structure of the nucleon: the Dirac and Pauli radii, the magne