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From DeWitt initial condition to Cosmological Quantum Entanglement

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 نشر من قبل Aharon Davidson
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A gravity-anti-gravity (GaG) odd linear dilaton action offers an eternal inflation evolution governed by the unified (cosmological constant plus radiation) equation of state $rho-3P=4Lambda$. At the mini superspace level, a two-particle variant of the no-boundary proposal, notably one-particle energy dependent, is encountered. While a GaG-odd wave function can only host a weak Big Bang boundary condition, albeit for any $k$, a strong Big Bang boundary condition requires a GaG-even entangled wave function, and singles out $k=0$ flat space. The locally most probable values for the cosmological scale factor and the dilaton field form a grid ${a^2,aphi}simsqrt{4n_1+1}pmsqrt{4n_2+1}$.

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We study, in the framework of open quantum systems, the entanglement dynamics for a quantum system composed of two uniformly accelerated Unruh-Dewitt detectors interacting with a bath of massive scalar fields in the Minkowski vacuum. We find that the entanglement evolution for the quantum system coupled with massive fields is always slower compared with that of the one coupled with massless fields, and this time-delay effect brought by the field being massive can however be counteracted by a large enough acceleration, in contrast to the case of a static quantum system in a thermal bath, where this time delay is not affected by the temperature. Remarkably, the maximal concurrence of the quantum system generated during evolution may increase with acceleration for any inter-detector separation while that for static ones in a thermal bath decreases monotonically with temperature, and this can be considered as an anti-Unruh effect in terms of the entanglement generated.
The relic gravitational wave (RGW) generated during the inflation depends on the initial condition via the amplitude, the spectral index $n_t$ and the running index $alpha_t$. CMB observations so far have only constrained the tensor-scalar ratio $r$, but not $n_t$ nor $alpha_t$. Complementary to this, the ground-based interferometric detectors working at $sim 10^2$Hz are able to constrain the spectral indices that influence the spectrum sensitively at high frequencies. In this work we give a proper normalization of the analytical spectrum at the low frequency end, yielding a modification by a factor of $sim 1/50$ to the previous treatment. We calculate the signal-noise ratios (SNR) for various ($n_t,alpha_t$) at fixed $r=0.2$ by S6 of LIGO H-L, and obtain the observational upper limit on the running index $alpha_t<0.02093$ (i.e, at a detection rate $95%$ and a false alarm rate $5%$) at the default $(n_t=0,r=0.2)$. This is consistent with the constraint on the energy density obtained by LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. Extending to the four correlated detectors currently running, the calculated SNR improves slightly. When extending to the six correlated detectors of the second-generation in design, the calculated SNR is $sim 10^3$ times over the previous two cases, due to the high sensitivities. RGW can be directly detected by the six 2nd-generation detectors for models with $alpha_t>0.01364$.
139 - Dongshan He , Qing-yu Cai 2020
In this paper, we study the changes of quantum effects of a growing universe by using Wheeler-DeWitt equation (WDWE) together with de Broglie-Bohm quantum trajectory approach. From WDWE, we obtain the quantum modified Friedmann equations which have a dditional terms called quantum potential compared to standard Friedmann equations. The quantum potential governs the behavior of the early universe, providing energy for inflation, while it decreases rapidly as the universe grows. The quantum potential of the grown-up universe is much smaller than that required for accelerating expansion. This indicates that quantum effects of our universe cannot be treated as a candidate for dark energy.
In this work we ask how an Unruh-DeWitt (UD) detector with harmonic oscillator internal degrees of freedom $Q$ measuring an evolving quantum matter field $Phi(bm{x}, t)$ in an expanding universe with scale factor $a(t)$ responds. We investigate the d etectors response which contains non-Markovian information about the quantum field squeezed by the dynamical spacetime. The challenge is in the memory effects accumulated over the evolutionary history. We first consider a detector $W$, the `textsl{Witness}, which co-existed and evolved with the quantum field from the beginning. We derive a nonMarkovian quantum Langevin equation for the detectors $Q$ by integrating over the squeezed quantum field. The solution of this integro-differential equation would answer our question, in principle, but very challenging, in practice. Striking a compromise, we then ask, to what extent can a detector $D$ introduced at late times, called the `textsl{Detective}, decipher past memories. This situation corresponds to many cosmological experiments today probing specific stages in the past, such as COBE targeting activities at the surface of last scattering. Somewhat surprisingly we show that it is possible to retrieve to some degree certain global physical quantities, such as the resultant squeezing, particles created, quantum coherence and correlations. The reason is because the quantum field has all the fine-grained information from the beginning in how it was driven by the cosmic dynamics $a(t)$. How long the details of past history can persist in the quantum field depends on the memory time. The fact that a squeezed field cannot come to complete equilibrium under constant driving, as in an evolving spacetime, actually helps to retain the memory. We discuss interesting features and potentials of this `textit{archaeological} perspective toward cosmological issues.
Among the various possibilities to probe the theory behind the recent accelerated expansion of the universe, the energy conditions (ECs) are of particular interest, since it is possible to confront and constrain the many models, including different t heories of gravity, with observational data. In this context, we use the ECs to probe any alternative theory whose extra term acts as a cosmological constant. For this purpose, we apply a model-independent approach to reconstruct the recent expansion of the universe. Using Type Ia supernova, baryon acoustic oscillations and cosmic-chronometer data, we perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis to put constraints on the effective cosmological constant $Omega^0_{rm eff}$. By imposing that the cosmological constant is the only component that possibly violates the ECs, we derive lower and upper bounds for its value. For instance, we obtain that $0.59 < Omega^0_{rm eff} < 0.91$ and $0.40 < Omega^0_{rm eff} < 0.93$ within, respectively, $1sigma$ and $3sigma$ confidence levels. In addition, about 30% of the posterior distribution is incompatible with a cosmological constant, showing that this method can potentially rule it out as a mechanism for the accelerated expansion. We also study the consequence of these constraints for two particular formulations of the bimetric massive gravity. Namely, we consider the Vissers theory and the Hassan and Rosess massive gravity by choosing a background metric such that both theories mimic General Relativity with a cosmological constant. Using the $Omega^0_{rm eff}$ observational bounds along with the upper bounds on the graviton mass we obtain constraints on the parameter spaces of both theories.
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