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Anomalous Pressure Dependence of the Superconducting Transition Temperature in TlNi$_2$Se$_{2-x}$S$_x$

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 نشر من قبل Swee K. Goh
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We report the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature, $T_c$, in TlNi$_2$Se$_{2-x}$S$_x$ detected via the AC susceptibility method. The pressure-temperature phase diagram constructed for TlNi$_{2}$Se$_{2}$, TlNi$_{2}$S$_{2}$ and TlNi$_{2}$SeS exhibits two unexpected features: (a) a sudden collapse of the superconducting state at moderate pressure for all three compositions and (b) a dome-shaped pressure dependence of $T_c$ for TlNi$_{2}$SeS. These results point to the nontrivial role of S substitution and its subtle interplay with applied pressure, as well as novel superconducting properties of the TlNi$_2$Se$_{2-x}$S$_x$ system.

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After our first discovery of superconductivity (SC) with $T_C$=3.7 K in TlNi$_2$Se$_2$, we grew successfully a series of TlNi$_2$Se$_{2-x}$S$_x$ (0.0 $leq$ x $leq$2.0) single crystals. The measurements of resistivity, susceptibility and specific heat were carried out. We found that SC with $T_C$=2.3 K also emerges in TlNi$_2$S$_2$ crystal, which appears to involve heavy electrons with an effective mass $m^*$=13$sim$25 $m_b$, as inferred from the normal state electronic specific heat and the upper critical field, $H_{C2}(T)$. It was found that the $T_C$ and superconducting volume fraction in TlNi$_2$Se$_{2-x}$S$_x$ crystals changes with the disorder degree induced by the partial substitution of S for Se, which is characterized by the residual resistivity ratio (textit{RRR}). The effect of the disorder on SC may provide some information for understanding the mechanism of SC in this new Ni-chalcogenide system.
The pressure dependence of superconducting transition temperature $T_{rm c}$ has been investigated through the DC magnetic measurements for FeSe$_{0.8}$ and FeSe$_{1.0}$. For both samples, with increasing pressure $P$, the $T_{rm c}$$-$$P$ curve exhi bits a two-step increase, showing a local maximum of $sim$11 K at $P$$sim$1.0 GPa and a rapid increase with an extremely large pressure coefficient for $P$$>$1.5 GPa. $T_{rm c}$ saturates at $sim$25 K (21 K) in FeSe$_{1.0}$ (FeSe$_{0.8}$) for $P$$>$3 GPa. A rapid decrease in superconducting volume fraction is observed with an increase in $T_{rm c}$ above 1.5 GPa, suggesting the presence of electronic inhomogeneity.
We report measurements of the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature T_c in single crystal samples of the rare-earth doped superconductor Ca$_{0.73}$La$_{0.27}$Fe$_2$As$_2$. We track T_c with two techniques, via in-plane re sistivity measurements and with a resonant tunnel diode oscillator circuit which is sensitive to the skin depth. We show that initially T_c rises steeply with pressure, forming a superconducting dome with a maximum T_c of ~44 K at 20 kbar. We discuss this observation in the context of other electron-doped iron pnictide superconductors, and conclude that the application of pressure offers an independent way to tune T_c in this system.
To investigate a mysterious superconducting state of URu_2Si_2 embedded in the so-called hidden order state, the lower critical field H_{c1} is precisely determined down to 55 mK for H || a and H || c. For this purpose, the positional dependence of t he local magnetic induction is measured on ultraclean single crystals (T_c = 1.4 K) with residual resistivity ratio exceeding 700. We find that the temperature dependence of H_{c1} significantly differs from that of any other superconductors. The whole H_{c1}(T) for H || a are well explained by the two superconducting gap structures with line and point nodes, which have been suggested by the recent thermal conductivity and specific heat measurements. On the other hand, for H || c, a change of slope with a distinct kink in H_{c1}(T), which cannot be accounted for by two gaps, is observed. This behavior for H || c sharply contrasts with the cusp behavior of H_{c1}(T) associated with a transition into another superconducting phase found in UPt_3 and U_{1-x}Th_xBe_{13}. The observed anomalous low-field diamagnetic response is possibly related to a peculiar vortex dynamics associated with chiral domains due to the multicomponent superconducting order parameter with broken time reversal symmetry.
We report the effect of applied pressures on magnetic and superconducting order in single crystals of the aliovalent La-doped iron pnictide material Ca$_{1-x}$La$_{x}$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$. Using electrical transport, elastic neutron scattering and resona nt tunnel diode oscillator measurements on samples under both quasi-hydrostatic and hydrostatic pressure conditions, we report a series of phase diagrams spanning the range of substitution concentrations for both antiferromagnetic and superconducting ground states that include pressure-tuning through the antiferromagnetic (AFM) quantum critical point. Our results indicate that the observed superconducting phase with maximum transition temperature of $T_{c}$=47 K is intrinsic to these materials, appearing only upon suppression of magnetic order by pressure tuning through the AFM critical point. In contrast to all other intermetallic iron-pnictide superconductors with the ThCr$_2$Si$_2$ structure, this superconducting phase appears to exist only exclusively from the antiferromagnetic phase in a manner similar to the oxygen- and fluorine-based iron-pnictide superconductors with the highest transition temperatures reported to date. The unusual dichotomy between lower-$T_{c}$ systems with coexistent superconductivity and magnetism and the tendency for the highest-$T_{c}$ systems to show non-coexistence provides an important insight into the distinct transition temperature limits in different members of the iron-based superconductor family.
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