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Direct determination of spin orbit interaction coefficients and realization of the persistent spin helix symmetry

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 نشر من قبل Atsuya Sasaki
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The spin orbit interaction plays a crucial role in diverse fields of condensed matter, including the investigation of Majorana fermions, topological insulators, quantum information and spintronics. In III V zinc blende semiconductor heterostructures, two types of spin orbit interaction, Rashba and Dresselhaus act on the electron spin as effective magnetic fields with different directions. They are characterized by coefficients alpha and beta, respectively. When alpha is equal to beta, the so called persistent spin helix symmetry is realized. In this condition, invariance with respect to spin rotations is achieved even in the presence of the spin orbit interaction, implying strongly enhanced spin lifetimes for spatially periodic spin modes. Existing methods to evaluate alpha/beta require fitting analyses that often include ambiguity in the parameters used. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a simple and fitting parameter free technique to determine alpha/beta and to deduce the absolute values of alpha and beta. The method is based on the detection of the effective magnetic field direction and the strength induced by the two spin orbit interactions. Moreover, we observe the persistent spin helix symmetry by gate tuning.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In layered semiconductors with spin-orbit interaction (SOI) a persistent spin helix (PSH) state with suppressed spin relaxation is expected if the strengths of the Rashba and Dresselhaus SOI terms, alpha and beta, are equal. Here we demonstrate gate control and detection of the PSH in two-dimensional electron systems with strong SOI including terms cubic in momentum. We consider strain-free InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells and first determine alpha/beta ~ 1 for non-gated structures by measuring the spin-galvanic and circular photogalvanic effects. Upon gate tuning the Rashba SOI strength in a complementary magneto-transport experiment, we then monitor the complete crossover from weak antilocalization via weak localization to weak antilocalization, where the emergence of weak localization reflects a PSH type state. A corresponding numerical analysis reveals that such a PSH type state indeed prevails even in presence of strong cubic SOI, however no longer at alpha = beta.
The spin-orbit interaction (SOI) in zincblende semiconductor quantum wells can be set to a symmetry point, in which spin decay is strongly suppressed for a helical spin mode. Signatures of such a persistent spin helix (PSH) have been probed using the transient spin grating technique, but it has not yet been possible to observe the formation and the helical nature of a PSH. Here we directly map the diffusive evolution of a local spin excitation into a helical spin mode by a time- and spatially resolved magneto-optical Kerr rotation technique. Depending on its in-plane direction, an external magnetic field interacts differently with the spin mode and either highlights its helical nature or destroys the SU(2) symmetry of the SOI and thus decreases the spin lifetime. All relevant SOI parameters are experimentally determined and confirmed with a numerical simulation of spin diffusion in the presence of SOI.
We study the lifetime of the persistent spin helix in semiconductor quantum wells with equal Rashba- and linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. In order to address the temperature dependence of the relevant spin relaxation mechanisms we derive a nd solve semiclassical spin diffusion equations taking into account spin-dependent impurity scattering, cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions and the effect of electron-electron interactions. For the experimentally relevant regime we find that the lifetime of the persistent spin helix is mainly determined by the interplay of cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction and electron-electron interactions. We propose that even longer lifetimes can be achieved by generating a spatially damped spin profile instead of the persistent spin helix state.
We study the phase diagram of the interacting two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) with equal Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling, which for weak coupling gives rise to the well-known persistent spin-helix phase. We construct the full Hartree-F ock phase diagram using a classical Monte-Carlo method analogous to that used in Phys.Rev.B 96, 235425 (2017). For the 2DEG with only Rashba spin-orbit coupling, it was found that at intermediate values of the Wigner-Seitz radius rs the system is characterized by a single Fermi surface with an out-of-plane spin polarization, while at slightly larger values of rs it undergoes a transition to a state with a shifted Fermi surface and an in-plane spin polarization. The various phase transitions are first-order, and this shows up in discontinuities in the conductivity and the appearance of anisotropic resistance in the in-plane polarized phase. In this work, we show that the out-of-plane spin-polarized region shrinks as the strength of the Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction increases, and entirely vanishes when the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling strengths are equal. At this point, the system can be mapped onto a 2DEG without spin-orbit coupling, and this transformation reveals the existence of an in-plane spin-polarized phase with a single, displaced Fermi surface beyond rs > 2.01. This is confirmed by classical Monte-Carlo simulations. We discuss experimental observation and useful applications of the novel phase, as well as caveats of using the classical Monte-Carlo method.
We experimentally investigate the dynamics of a persistent spin helix in etched GaAs wire structures of 2 to 80 um width. Using magneto-optical Kerr rotation with high spatial resolution, we determine the lifetime of the spin helix. A few nanoseconds after locally injecting spin polarization into the wire, the polarization is strongly enhanced as compared to the two-dimensional case. This is mostly attributed to a transition to one-dimensional diffusion, strongly suppressing diffusive dilution of spin polarization. The intrinsic lifetime of the helical mode is only weakly increased, which indicates that the channel confinement can only partially suppress the cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction.
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