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Imfit: A Fast, Flexible New Program for Astronomical Image Fitting

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 نشر من قبل Peter Erwin
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Peter Erwin

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I describe a new, open-source astronomical image-fitting program called Imfit, specialized for galaxies but potentially useful for other sources, which is fast, flexible, and highly extensible. A key characteristic of the program is an object-oriented design which allows new types of image components (2D surface-brightness functions) to be easily written and added to the program. Image functions provided with Imfit include the usual suspects for galaxy decompositions (Sersic, exponential, Gaussian), along with Core-Sersic and broken-exponential profiles, elliptical rings, and three components which perform line-of-sight integration through 3D luminosity-density models of disks and rings seen at arbitrary inclinations. Available minimization algorithms include Levenberg-Marquardt, Nelder-Mead simplex, and Differential Evolution, allowing trade-offs between speed and decreased sensitivity to local minima in the fit landscape. Minimization can be done using the standard chi^2 statistic (using either data or model values to estimate per-pixel Gaussian errors, or else user-supplied error images) or Poisson-based maximum-likelihood statistics; the latter approach is particularly appropriate for cases of Poisson data in the low-count regime. I show that fitting low-S/N galaxy images using chi^2 minimization and individual-pixel Gaussian uncertainties can lead to significant biases in fitted parameter values, which are avoided if a Poisson-based statistic is used; this is true even when Gaussian read noise is present.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

74 - Joel D. Hartman 2016
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We present AstroVaDEr, a variational autoencoder designed to perform unsupervised clustering and synthetic image generation using astronomical imaging catalogues. The model is a convolutional neural network that learns to embed images into a low dime nsional latent space, and simultaneously optimises a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) on the embedded vectors to cluster the training data. By utilising variational inference, we are able to use the learned GMM as a statistical prior on the latent space to facilitate random sampling and generation of synthetic images. We demonstrate AstroVaDErs capabilities by training it on gray-scaled textit{gri} images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, using a sample of galaxies that are classified by Galaxy Zoo 2. An unsupervised clustering model is found which separates galaxies based on learned morphological features such as axis ratio, surface brightness profile, orientation and the presence of companions. We use the learned mixture model to generate synthetic images of galaxies based on the morphological profiles of the Gaussian components. AstroVaDEr succeeds in producing a morphological classification scheme from unlabelled data, but unexpectedly places high importance on the presence of companion objects---demonstrating the importance of human interpretation. The network is scalable and flexible, allowing for larger datasets to be classified, or different kinds of imaging data. We also demonstrate the generative properties of the model, which allow for realistic synthetic images of galaxies to be sampled from the learned classification scheme. These can be used to create synthetic image catalogs or to perform image processing tasks such as deblending.
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