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Weighing the Giants IV: Cosmology and Neutrino Mass

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 نشر من قبل Adam Mantz
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Adam B. Mantz

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We employ robust weak gravitational lensing measurements to improve cosmological constraints from measurements of the galaxy cluster mass function and its evolution, using X-ray selected clusters detected in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey. Our lensing analysis constrains the absolute mass scale of such clusters at the 8 per cent level, including both statistical and systematic uncertainties. Combining it with the survey data and X-ray follow-up observations, we find a tight constraint on a combination of the mean matter density and late-time normalization of the matter power spectrum, $sigma_8(Omega_m/0.3)^{0.17}=0.81pm0.03$, with marginalized, one-dimensional constraints of $Omega_m=0.26pm0.03$ and $sigma_8=0.83pm0.04$. For these two parameters, this represents a factor of two improvement in precision with respect to previous work, primarily due to the reduced systematic uncertainty in the absolute mass calibration provided by the lensing analysis. Our new results are in good agreement with constraints from cosmic microwave background (CMB) data, both WMAP and Planck (plus WMAP polarization), under the assumption of a flat $Lambda$CDM cosmology with minimal neutrino mass. Consequently, we find no evidence for non-minimal neutrino mass from the combination of cluster data with CMB, supernova and baryon acoustic oscillation measurements, regardless of which all-sky CMB data set is used (and independent of the recent claimed detection of B-modes on degree scales). We also present improved constraints on models of dark energy (both constant and evolving), modifications of gravity, and primordial non-Gaussianity. Assuming flatness, the constraints for a constant dark energy equation of state from the cluster data alone are at the 15 per cent level, improving to $sim 6$ per cent when the cluster data are combined with other leading probes.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

531 - Adam B. Mantz 2016
We present constraints on the scaling relations of galaxy cluster X-ray luminosity, temperature and gas mass (and derived quantities) with mass and redshift, employing masses from robust weak gravitational lensing measurements. These are the first su ch results obtained from an analysis that simultaneously accounts for selection effects and the underlying mass function, and directly incorporates lensing data to constrain total masses. Our constraints on the scaling relations and their intrinsic scatters are in good agreement with previous studies, and reinforce a picture in which departures from self-similar scaling laws are primarily limited to cluster cores. However, the data are beginning to reveal new features that have implications for cluster astrophysics and provide new tests for hydrodynamical simulations. We find a positive correlation in the intrinsic scatters of luminosity and temperature at fixed mass, which is related to the dynamical state of the clusters. While the evolution of the nominal scaling relations over the redshift range $0.0<z<0.5$ is consistent with self similarity, we find tentative evidence that the luminosity and temperature scatters respectively decrease and increase with redshift. Physically, this likely related to the development of cool cores and the rate of major mergers. We also examine the scaling relations of redMaPPer richness and Compton $Y$ from Planck. While the richness--mass relation is in excellent agreement with recent work, the measured $Y$--mass relation departs strongly from that assumed in the Planck cluster cosmology analysis. The latter result is consistent with earlier comparisons of lensing and Planck scaling-relation-derived masses.
The combination of current large scale structure and cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies data can place strong constraints on the sum of the neutrino masses. Here we show that future cosmic shear experiments, in combination with CMB constr aints, can provide the statistical accuracy required to answer questions about differences in the mass of individual neutrino species. Allowing for the possibility that masses are non-degenerate we combine Fisher matrix forecasts for a weak lensing survey like Euclid with those for the forthcoming Planck experiment. Under the assumption that neutrino mass splitting is described by a normal hierarchy we find that the combination Planck and Euclid will possibly reach enough sensitivity to put a constraint on the mass of a single species. Using a Bayesian evidence calculation we find that such future experiments could provide strong evidence for either a normal or an inverted neutrino hierachy. Finally we show that if a particular neutrino hierachy is assumed then this could bias cosmological parameter constraints, for example the dark energy equation of state parameter, by > 1sigma, and the sum of masses by 2.3sigma.
We report weak-lensing masses for 51 of the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters known. This cluster sample, introduced earlier in this series of papers, spans redshifts 0.15 < z_cl < 0.7, and is well suited to calibrate mass proxies for current clust er cosmology experiments. Cluster masses are measured with a standard `color-cut lensing method from three-filter photometry of each field. Additionally, for 27 cluster fields with at least five-filter photometry, we measure high-accuracy masses using a new method that exploits all information available in the photometric redshift posterior probability distributions of individual galaxies. Using simulations based on the COSMOS-30 catalog, we demonstrate control of systematic biases in the mean mass of the sample with this method, from photometric redshift biases and associated uncertainties, to better than 3%. In contrast, we show that the use of single-point estimators in place of the full photometric redshift posterior distributions can lead to significant redshift-dependent biases on cluster masses. The performance of our new photometric redshift-based method allows us to calibrate `color-cut` masses for all 51 clusters in the present sample to a total systematic uncertainty of ~7% on the mean mass, a level sufficient to significantly improve current cosmology constraints from galaxy clusters. Our results bode well for future cosmological studies of clusters, potentially reducing the need for exhaustive spectroscopic calibration surveys as compared to other techniques, when deep, multi-filter optical and near-IR imaging surveys are coupled with robust photometric redshift methods.
Recent advances in cosmic observations have brought us to the verge of discovery of the absolute scale of neutrino masses. Nonzero neutrino masses are known evidence of new physics beyond the Standard Model. Our understanding of the clustering of mat ter in the presence of massive neutrinos has significantly improved over the past decade, yielding cosmological constraints that are tighter than any laboratory experiment, and which will improve significantly over the next decade, resulting in a guaranteed detection of the absolute neutrino mass scale.
186 - Patrick L. Kelly 2012
We present improved methods for using stars found in astronomical exposures to calibrate both star and galaxy colors as well as to adjust the instrument flat field. By developing a spectroscopic model for the SDSS stellar locus in color-color space, synthesizing an expected stellar locus, and simultaneously solving for all unknown zeropoints when fitting to the instrumental locus, we increase the calibration accuracy of stellar locus matching. We also use a new combined technique to estimate improved flat-field models for the Subaru SuprimeCam camera, forming `star flats based on the magnitudes of stars observed in multiple positions or through comparison with available SDSS magnitudes. These techniques yield galaxy magnitudes with reliable color calibration (< 0.01 - 0.02 mag accuracy) that enable us to estimate photometric redshift probability distributions without spectroscopic training samples. We test the accuracy of our photometric redshifts using spectroscopic redshifts z_s for ~5000 galaxies in 27 cluster fields with at least five bands of photometry, as well as galaxies in the COSMOS field, finding sigma((z_p - z_s)/(1 + z_s)) ~ 0.03 for the most probable redshift z_p. We show that the full posterior probability distributions for the redshifts of galaxies with five-band photometry exhibit good agreement with redshifts estimated from thirty-band photometry in the COSMOS field. The growth of shear with increasing distance behind each galaxy cluster shows the expected redshift-distance relation for a flat Lambda-CDM cosmology. Photometric redshifts and calibrated colors are used in subsequent papers to measure the masses of 51 galaxy clusters from their weak gravitational shear. We make our Python code for stellar locus matching available at http://big-macs-calibrate.googlecode.com; the code requires only a catalog and filter functions.
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