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Coupling graphene mechanical resonators to superconducting microwave cavities

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 نشر من قبل Johannes Guettinger
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Graphene is an attractive material for nanomechanical devices because it allows for exceptional properties, such as high frequencies and quality factors, and low mass. An outstanding challenge, however, has been to obtain large coupling between the motion and external systems for efficient readout and manipulation. Here, we report on a novel approach, in which we capacitively couple a high-Q graphene mechanical resonator ($Q sim 10^5$) to a superconducting microwave cavity. The initial devices exhibit a large single-photon coupling of $sim 10$ Hz. Remarkably, we can electrostatically change the graphene equilibrium position and thereby tune the single photon coupling, the mechanical resonance frequency and the sign and magnitude of the observed Duffing nonlinearity. The strong tunability opens up new possibilities, such as the tuning of the optomechanical coupling strength on a time scale faster than the inverse of the cavity linewidth. With realistic improvements, it should be possible to enter the regime of quantum optomechanics.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The combination of low mass density, high frequency, and high quality-factor of mechanical resonators made of two-dimensional crystals such as graphene make them attractive for applications in force sensing/mass sensing, and exploring the quantum reg ime of mechanical motion. Microwave optomechanics with superconducting cavities offers exquisite position sensitivity and enables the preparation and detection of mechanical systems in the quantum ground state. Here, we demonstrate coupling between a multilayer graphene resonator with quality factors up to 220,000 and a high-$textit{Q}$ superconducting cavity. Using thermo-mechanical noise as calibration, we achieve a displacement sensitivity of 17 fm/$sqrt{text{Hz}}$. Optomechanical coupling is demonstrated by optomechanically induced reflection (OMIR) and absorption (OMIA) of microwave photons. We observe 17 dB of mechanical microwave amplification and signatures of strong optomechanical backaction. We extract the cooperativity $C$, a characterization of coupling strength, quantitatively from the measurement with no free parameters and find $C=8$, promising for the quantum regime of graphene motion.
Coupled nanomechanical resonators are interesting for both fundamental studies and practical applications as they offer rich and tunable oscillation dynamics. At present, the mechanical coupling in such systems is often mediated by a fixed geometry, such as a joint clamping point of the resonators or a displacement-dependent force. Here we show a graphene-integrated electromechanical system consisting of two physically separated mechanical resonators -- a comb-drive actuator and a suspended silicon beam -- that are tunably coupled by a graphene membrane. The graphene membrane, moreover, provides a sensitive electrical read-out for the two resonating systems silicon structures showing 16 different modes in the frequency range from 0.4~to 24~MHz. In addition, by pulling on the graphene membrane with an electrostatic potential applied to one of the silicon resonators, we control the mechanical coupling, quantified by the $g$-factor, from 20 kHz to 100 kHz. Our results pave the way for coupled nanoelectromechanical systems requiring controllable mechanically coupled resonators.
Recent experiments on strongly coupled microwave and ferromagnetic resonance modes have focused on large volume bulk crystals such as yttrium iron garnet, typically of millimeter-scale dimensions. We extend these experiments to lower volumes of magne tic material by exploiting low-impedance lumped-element microwave resonators. The low impedance equates to a smaller magnetic mode volume, which allows us to couple to a smaller number of spins in the ferromagnet. Compared to previous experiments, we reduce the number of participating spins by two orders of magnitude, while maintaining the strength of the coupling rate. Strongly coupled devices with small volumes of magnetic material may allow the use of spin orbit torques, which require high current densities incompatible with existing structures.
325 - A. Voje , J. M. Kinaret , 2011
We study the quantum dynamics of a symmetric nanomechanical graphene resonator with degenerate flexural modes. Applying voltage pulses to two back gates, flexural vibrations of the membrane can be selectively actuated and manipulated. For graphene, n onlinear response becomes important already for amplitudes comparable to the magnitude of zero point fluctuations. We show, using analytical and numerical methods, that this allows for creation of cat-like superpositions of coherent states as well as superpositions of coherent cat-like non-product states.
We present a microelectromechanical system, in which a silicon beam is attached to a comb-drive actuator, that is used to tune the tension in the silicon beam, and thus its resonance frequency. By measuring the resonance frequencies of the system, we show that the comb-drive actuator and the silicon beam behave as two strongly coupled resonators. Interestingly, the effective coupling rate (~ 1.5 MHz) is tunable with the comb-drive actuator (+10%) as well as with a side-gate (-10%) placed close to the silicon beam. In contrast, the effective spring constant of the system is insensitive to either of them and changes only by $pm$ 0.5%. Finally, we show that the comb-drive actuator can be used to switch between different coupling rates with a frequency of at least 10 kHz.
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