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Correlations of plasticity in sheared glasses

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 نشر من قبل Peter Schall
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In a recent paper [S. Mandal et al., Phys. Rev. E 88, 022129 (2013)] the nature of spatial correlations of plasticity in hard sphere glasses was addressed both via computer simulations and in experiments. It was found that the experimentally obtained correlations obey a power law whereas the correlations from simulations are better fitted by an exponential decay. We here provide direct evidence--- via simulations of a hard sphere glass in 2D---that this discrepancy is a consequence of the finite system size in the 3D simulations. By extending the study to a 2D soft disk model at zero temperature, the robustness of the power-law decay in sheared amorphous solids is underlined. Deviations from a power law occur when either reducing the packing fraction towards the supercooled regime in the case of hard spheres or changing the dissipation mechanism from contact dissipation to a mean-field type drag for the case of soft disks.

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Molecular dynamics simulations are carried out to investigate mechanical properties and porous structure of binary glasses subjected to steady shear. The model vitreous systems were prepared via thermal quench at constant volume to a temperature well below the glass transition. The quiescent samples are characterized by a relatively narrow pore size distribution whose mean size is larger at lower glass densities. We find that in the linear regime of deformation, the shear modulus is a strong function of porosity, and the individual pores become slightly stretched while their structural topology remains unaffected. By contrast, with further increasing strain, the shear stress saturates to a density-dependent plateau value, which is accompanied by pore coalescence and a gradual development of a broader pore size distribution with a discrete set of peaks at large length scales.
Multiple transient memories, originally discovered in charge-density-wave conductors, are a remarkable and initially counterintuitive example of how a system can store information about its driving. In this class of memories, a system can learn multi ple driving inputs, nearly all of which are eventually forgotten despite their continual input. If sufficient noise is present, the system regains plasticity so that it can continue to learn new memories indefinitely. Recently, Keim & Nagel showed how multiple transient memories could be generalized to a generic driven disordered system with noise, giving as an example simulations of a simple model of a sheared non-Brownian suspension. Here, we further explore simulation models of suspensions under cyclic shear, focussing on three main themes: robustness, structure, and overdriving. We show that multiple transient memories are a robust feature independent of many details of the model. The steady-state spatial distribution of the particles is sensitive to the driving algorithm; nonetheless, the memory formation is independent of such a change in particle correlations. Finally, we demonstrate that overdriving provides another means for controlling memory formation and retention.
The microscopic deformation mechanism of charged colloidal glasses with extended-range interactions under shear is investigated by in-situ small-angle neutron scattering, and a dynamically correlated region (DCR) is identified. This short-lived regio n provides the resistance to the configurational rearrangement imposed by the external deformation, as evidenced by the evolution of the size of DCR in the shear thinning regime and the quantitative agreement between the local stress sustained by DCR and the macroscopic stress from rheological measurements at low and mediate shear rates. This finding suggests that DCR is an important quantity for microscopically addressing the flow and deformation behavior of strongly interacting colloids.
Disordered solids respond to quasistatic shear with intermittent avalanches of plastic activity, an example of the crackling noise observed in many nonequilibrium critical systems. The temporal power spectrum of activity within disordered solids cons ists of three distinct domains: a novel power-law rise with frequency at low frequencies indicating anticorrelation, white-noise at intermediate frequencies, and a power-law decay at high frequencies. As the strain rate increases, the white-noise regime shrinks and ultimately disappears as the finite strain rate restricts the maximum size of an avalanche. A new strain-rate- and system-size-dependent scaling theory is derived for power spectra in both the quasistatic and finite-strain-rate regimes. This theory is validated using data from overdamped two- and three-dimensional molecular dynamics simulations. We identify important exponents in the yielding transition including the dynamic exponent $z$ which relates the size of an avalanche to its duration, the fractal dimension of avalanches, and the exponent characterizing the divergence in correlations with strain rate. Results are related to temporal correlations within a single avalanche and between multiple avalanches.
Via event driven molecular dynamics simulations and experiments, we study the packing fraction and shear-rate dependence of single particle fluctuations and dynamic correlations in hard sphere glasses under shear. At packing fractions above the glass transition, correlations increase as shear rate decreases: the exponential tail in the distribution of single particle jumps broadens and dynamic four-point correlations increase. Interestingly, however, upon decreasing the packing fraction, a broadening of the exponential tail is also observed, while dynamic heterogeneity is shown to decrease. An explanation for this behavior is proposed in terms of a competition between shear and thermal fluctuations. Building upon our previous studies [Chikkadi et al, Europhys. Lett. (2012)], we further address the issue of anisotropy of the dynamic correlations.
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