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Realizing the Harper Hamiltonian with Laser-Assisted Tunneling in Optical Lattices

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 نشر من قبل Colin Kennedy
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We experimentally implement the Harper Hamiltonian for neutral particles in optical lattices using laser-assisted tunneling and a potential energy gradient provided by gravity or magnetic field gradients. This Hamiltonian describes the motion of charged particles in strong magnetic fields. Laser-assisted tunneling processes are characterized by studying the expansion of the atoms in the lattice. The band structure of this Hamiltonian should display Hofstadters butterfly. For fermions, this scheme should realize the quantum Hall effect and chiral edge states.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We demonstrate the experimental implementation of an optical lattice that allows for the generation of large homogeneous and tunable artificial magnetic fields with ultracold atoms. Using laser-assisted tunneling in a tilted optical potential we engi neer spatially dependent complex tunneling amplitudes. Thereby atoms hopping in the lattice accumulate a phase shift equivalent to the Aharonov-Bohm phase of charged particles in a magnetic field. We determine the local distribution of fluxes through the observation of cyclotron orbits of the atoms on lattice plaquettes, showing that the system is described by the Hofstadter model. Furthermore, we show that for two atomic spin states with opposite magnetic moments, our system naturally realizes the time-reversal symmetric Hamiltonian underlying the quantum spin Hall effect, i.e., two different spin components experience opposite directions of the magnetic field.
We introduce a grating assisted tunneling scheme for tunable synthetic magnetic fields in photonic lattices, which can be implemented at optical frequencies in optically induced one- and two-dimensional dielectric photonic lattices. We demonstrate a conical diffraction pattern in particular realization of these lattices which possess Dirac points in $k$-space, as a signature of the synthetic magnetic fields. The two-dimensional photonic lattice with grating assisted tunneling constitutes the realization of the Harper-Hofstadter Hamiltonian.
Anisotropic dipole-dipole interactions between ultracold dipolar fermions break the symmetry of the Fermi surface and thereby deform it. Here we demonstrate that such a Fermi surface deformation induces a topological phase transition -- so-called Lif shitz transition -- in the regime accessible to present-day experiments. We describe the impact of the Lifshitz transition on observable quantities such as the Fermi surface topology, the density-density correlation function, and the excitation spectrum of the system. The Lifshitz transition in ultracold atoms can be controlled by tuning the dipole orientation and -- in contrast to the transition studied in crystalline solids -- is completely interaction-driven.
Applying time-periodic modulations is routinely used to control and design synthetic matter in quantum-engineered settings. In lattice systems, this approach is explored to engineer band structures with non-trivial topological properties, but also to generate exotic interaction processes. A prime example is density-assisted tunneling, by which the hopping amplitude of a particle between neighboring sites explicitly depends on their respective occupations. Here, we show how density-assisted tunneling can be tailored in view of simulating the effects of strain in synthetic graphene-type systems. Specifically, we consider a mixture of two atomic species on a honeycomb optical lattice: one species forms a Bose-Einstein condensate in an anisotropic harmonic trap, whose inhomogeneous density profile induces an effective uniaxial strain for the second species through density-assisted tunneling processes. In direct analogy with strained graphene, the second species experiences a pseudo magnetic field, hence exhibiting relativistic Landau levels and the valley Hall effect. Our proposed scheme introduces a unique platform for the investigation of strain-induced gauge fields and their possible interplay with quantum fluctuations and collective excitations.
We determine the exact dynamics of an initial Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) state of ultra-cold atoms in a deep hexagonal optical lattice. The dynamical evolution is triggered by a quench of the lattice potential, such that the interaction strength $U_f$ is much larger than the hopping amplitude $J_f$. The quench initiates collective oscillations with frequency $|U_f|/(2pi)$ in the momentum occupation numbers and imprints an oscillating phase with the same frequency on the BCS order parameter $Delta$. The oscillation frequency of $Delta$ is not reproduced by treating the time evolution in mean-field theory. In our theory, the momentum noise (i.e. density-density) correlation functions oscillate at frequency $|U_f|/2pi$ as well as at its second harmonic. For a very deep lattice, with zero tunneling energy, the oscillations of momentum occupation numbers are undamped. Non-zero tunneling after the quench leads to dephasing of the different momentum modes and a subsequent damping of the oscillations. The damping occurs even for a finite-temperature initial BCS state, but not for a non-interacting Fermi gas. Furthermore, damping is stronger for larger order parameter and may therefore be used as a signature of the BCS state. Finally, our theory shows that the noise correlation functions in a honeycomb lattice will develop strong anti-correlations near the Dirac point.
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