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Critical values of the external magnetic field leading biological effects in the human organism

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 نشر من قبل Kanokov Zakirjon
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the framework of the simplified stochastic model the critical values of an induction of the external magnetic field leading to sharp increase of fluctuations of a casual current of biologically important ions in different blood vessels of a human body are calculated.

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In modern surgery, a multitude of minimally intrusive operational techniques are used which are based on the punctual heating of target zones of human tissue via laser or radio-frequency currents. Traditionally, these processes are modeled by the bio heat equation introduced by Pennes, who considers Fouriers theory of heat conduction. We present an alternative and more realistic model established by the hyperbolic equation of heat transfer. To demonstrate some features and advantages of our proposed method, we apply the obtained results to different types of tissue heating with high energy fluxes, in particular radiofrequency heating and pulsed laser treatment of the cornea to correct refractive errors. Hopefully, the results of our approach help to refine surgical interventions in this novel field of medical treatment.
Different qualities of radiation are known to cause different biological effects at the same absorbed dose. Enhancements of the biological effectiveness are a direct consequence of the energy deposition clustering at the scales of DNA molecule and ce ll nucleus whilst absorbed dose is a macroscopic averaged quantity which does not take into account heterogeneities at the nanometer and micrometer scales. Microdosimetry aims to measure radiation quality at cellular or sub-cellular levels trying to increase the understanding of radiation damage mechanisms and effects. A review of the major models based on experimental microdosimetry, with an emphasis on the Microdosimetric Kinetic Model (MKM) will be presented in this work, enlightening the advantages of each one in terms of accuracy, initial assumptions and agreement with experimental data. The MKM has been used to predict different kinds of radiobiological quantities such as the Relative Biological Effects for cell inactivation or the Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER). Recent developments of the MKM will be also presented, including new non-Poissonian correction approaches for high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation, the inclusion of partial repair effects for fractionation studies and the extension of the model to account for non-targeted effects. We will also explore developments for improving the models by including track structure and the spatial damage correlation information by using the full fluence spectrum and, briefly, nanodosimetric quantities to better account for the energy-deposition fluctuations at the intra- and inter-cellular level.
A detailed study of the analytic structure of 1-loop self energy graphs for neutral and charged $rho$ mesons is presented at finite temperature and arbitrary magnetic field using the real time formalism of thermal field theory. The imaginary part of the self energy is obtained from the discontinuities of these graphs across the Unitary and Landau cuts, which is seen to be different for $rho^0$ and $rho^pm$. The magnetic field dependent vacuum contribution to the real part of the self energy, which is usually ignored, is found to be appreciable. A significant effect of temperature and magnetic field is seen in the self energy, spectral function, effective mass and dispersion relation of $rho^0$ as well as of $rho^pm$ relative to its trivial Landau shift. However, for charged $rho$ mesons, on account of the dominance of the Landau term, the effective mass appears to be independent of temperature. The trivial coupling of magnetic moment of $rho^pm$ with external magnetic field, when incorporated in the calculation, makes the $rho^pm$ to condense at high magnetic field.
Quantum noise places a fundamental limit on the per photon sensitivity attainable in optical measurements. This limit is of particular importance in biological measurements, where the optical power must be constrained to avoid damage to the specimen. By using non-classically correlated light, we demonstrated that the quantum limit can be surpassed in biological measurements. Quantum enhanced microrheology was performed within yeast cells by tracking naturally occurring lipid granules with sensitivity 2.4 dB beyond the quantum noise limit. The viscoelastic properties of the cytoplasm could thereby be determined with a 64% improved measurement rate. This demonstration paves the way to apply quantum resources broadly in a biological context.
We compute the magnetic dipole moment (MDM) for massive flavor neutrinos using the neutrino self-energy in a magnetized media. The framework to incorporate neutrino masses is one minimal extension of the Standard Model in which neutrinos are Dirac pa rticles and their masses coming from tiny Yukawa couplings from a second Higgs doublet with a small vacuum expectation value. The computations are carried out by using proper time formalism in the weak field approximation $eB<<m_{e}^{2}$ and assuming normal hierarchy for neutrino masses and sweeping the charged Higgs mass. For $ u_{tau}$, analyses in the neutrino specific scenario indicate magnetic dipole moments greater than the values obtained to the MDM in the SM (with and without magnetic fields) and other flavor conserving models. This fact leading a higher proximity with experimental bounds and so on it is possible to get stronger exclusion limits over new physics parameter space.
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