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Direct measurement of the biphoton Wigner function through two-photon interference

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 نشر من قبل Thomas Coudreau
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Tom Douce

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The Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) experiment was a benchmark in quantum optics, evidencing the quantum nature of the photon. In order to go deeper, and obtain the complete information about the quantum state of a system, for instance, composed by photons, the direct measurement or reconstruction of the Wigner function or other quasi--probability distribution in phase space is necessary. In the present paper, we show that a simple modification in the well-known HOM experiment provides the direct measurement of the Wigner function. We apply our results to a widely used quantum optics system, consisting of the biphoton generated in the parametric down conversion process. In this approach, a negative value of the Wigner function is a sufficient condition for non-gaussian entanglement between two photons. In the general case, the Wigner function provides all the required information to infer entanglement using well known necessary and sufficient criteria. We analyze our results using two examples of parametric down conversion processes taken from recent experiments. The present work offers a new vision of the HOM experiment that further develops its possibilities to realize fundamental tests of quantum mechanics involving decoherence and entanglement using simple optical set-ups.

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اقرأ أيضاً

82 - K. Banaszek , C. Radzewicz , 1999
We report a direct measurement of the Wigner function characterizing the quantum state of a light mode. The experimental scheme is based on the representation of the Wigner function as an expectation value of a displaced photon number parity operator . This allowed us to scan the phase space point-by-point, and obtain the complete Wigner function without using any numerical reconstruction algorithms.
We present an experimental realisation of the direct scheme for measuring the Wigner function of a single quantized light mode. In this method, the Wigner function is determined as the expectation value of the photon number parity operator for the phase space displaced quantum state.
Wigner function is a quasi-distribution that provides a representation of the state of a quantum mechanical system in the phase space of position and momentum. In this paper we find a relation between Wigner function and appropriate measurements invo lving the system position and momentum which generalize the von Neumann model of measurement. We introduce two probes coupled successively in time to projectors associated with the system position and momentum. We show that one can relate Wigner function to Kirkwood joint quasi-distribution of position and momentum, the latter, in turn, being a particular case of successive measurements. We first consider the case of a quantum mechanical system described in a continuous Hilbert space, and then turn to the case of a discrete, finite-dimensional Hilbert space.
115 - R. J. Lewis-Swan , M. K. Olsen , 2016
We consider the Wigner quasi-probability distribution function of a single mode of an electromagnetic or matter-wave field to address the question of whether a direct stochastic sampling and binning of the absolute square of the complex field amplitu de can yield a distribution function $tilde{P}_n$ that closely approximates the true particle number probability distribution $P_n$ of the underlying quantum state. By providing an operational definition of the binned distribution $tilde{P}_n$ in terms of the Wigner function, we explicitly calculate the overlap between $tilde{P}_n$ and ${P}_n$ and hence quantify the statistical distance between the two distributions. We find that there is indeed a close quantitative correspondence between $tilde{P}_n$ and $P_n$ for a wide range of quantum states that have smooth and broad Wigner function relative to the scale of oscillations of the Wigner function for the relevant Fock state. However, we also find counterexamples, including states with high mode occupation, for which $tilde{P}_n$ does not closely approximate $P_n$.
Two-photon interference of multimode two-photon pairs produced by an optical parametric oscillator has been observed for the first time with an unbalanced interferometer. The time correlation between the multimode two photons has a multi-peaked struc ture. This property of the multimode two-photon state induces two-photon interference depending on delay time. The nonclassicality of this interference is also discussed.
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